Chapter 26-Hell hound attack

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A dog snaps at Sheba's window, reeling her back with shock.

"Oh my gosh! Hell hounds? B-but how-"

"I don't know Sheba but somehow they knew."

Sam is already hitting one of them out of the window. There are five all over the van, biting, clawing, and trying to find a way inside.

"What can we do? We're trapped!"

"Not for long," says Jon bumping into one, sending that one hurtling over the bridge.

The dogs burst into flames, each heating up the asphalt as they run along it.

"They're flaming," cries Sam as he ducks from a dog's bite.

Sheba reaches for her bag but a dog bumps into the van moving her bag away from her. Jon pulls out a Armatix iP1 pistol and shoots one of the dogs in the head, sending it crashing into another. Sheba and Sam look at him and then at the gun.

"What? We have a whole sash at the camp. Joshua never told you about them."

"No, he never told us," shouts Sheba.

"I guess it was a really good reason then."

"I thought it was all about our ancestors' weapons," replies Sheba.

"Well it is. But do you really want to try throwing qamas at these dogs? Grab one of the pistols and start shooting."

Sheba takes off her seat belt, turning her body around and grabs the pistol. She looks at it before cocking the pistol and pointing it at the foaming hell hound right next to her window. She opens the window, shooting at the dog's face. It backs up and Sheba tries to get a better view. Her hand is on the gun, watching the dog as it plans to flip the van over. Sheba shoots at it, the gun knocking from her hands but hitting the target. But the dog slashes at the back tire before tripping over itself and lying still on the road.

"Um, Jon?"

Jon sees part of the tire stripping away in the rear view mirror and shouts, "That's why we don't give you guns."

"It's not my fault!"

Jon swerves past the other hounds and gets off the bridge. He tries to maneuver the van but fails as they tip over the van. Sheba's quickly puts her seat belt on as they roll off the street and into a parking lot. Jon quickly gets his seat belt off and helps the others.

"Hurry, get out!"

Sam moans but stumbles out of their van while Sheba grabs her knives and gets out. \

"Sheba get our stuff out while we distract them."

Sheba huffs but starts pulling out bags. Howls fill the sky and running is heard from the woods. Sam hefts his club and Jon pulls out his bow. Flames appear to be getting closer and Sheba moves their bags from the van.

"It's done," huffs Sheba as she joins them.

"You're quicker than you look," snorts Sam.

"And what's that suppose to mean," snarls Sheba.

A dog bursts out the woods, grass catching on fire as the dog runs over them. Jon shoots it in the shoulder and it snaps at him. Sam charges while Jon grabs another arrow. Sheba shakes her head but runs after another dog while several more jump out the woods. Jon hits one in the head, sending it crashing down. Sam slams his club on its back but the dog hits him sending him sprawling back into another car. Sheba slides under one as it howls with frustration. The heat is intensifying but she slams the knife in its stomach. The dog opens its mouth and gets struck in the mouth by an arrow. It makes a beeping noise and the dog's head explodes.

Sam gets up and starts running again. He slams his body into one, sending it onto a car. He jumps on it and slams his club on its head. The skull cracks but not before the dog hits him with its front leg, scratching him in the chest. He backs up but another dog bites him on the leg. He cries out but whacks at its face. Jon focuses and shoots an arrow right into the dog's eye. The dog roars and lets go of Sam. Sheba slams a knife right into its forehead. The dog goes down and the others starts to retreat.

One is shot down in the back and Sheba sits down next to Sam, healing his wounds.

"That was a lot of dogs," says Sam as Sheba wraps bandages over his leg.

Jon looks for his stuff and pulls out a map.

"We're in Joliet, Illinois right now. Its 40 miles southwest of Chicago."

"So what do we do now?"

Jon looks at them and then at the bags.

"Camping time," he says as he brings out a tent. Sam and Sheba groan as they grab their bags and follows Jon into the woods.

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