Chapter 53-The fight between friend and foe

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With that D'Angelica disappears from the place. They appear above the camp and see the destruction of a tornado. "What is it," asks Dave. "It's my brother. We must hurry. You can't stay this long with me."

D'Angelica goes straight into the tornado, battling the cloud of flies. The flies evaporate quickly as Angelica lights them up. "Angelica," says a voice within the cloud.

D'Angelica tackles Beeba out of the tornado and they crash into Dave's cabin. Beeba wraps his  tongue around them and flings them outside. D'Angelica sends a giant pillar of rock straight towards Beeba, but it crumbles into dust as Beeba slices through it with water.

"Don't think you're the only one with a gift."

Beeba sends the cloud of flies towards them. A circle of fire surrounds D'Angelica and the flies turn back. Beeba snarls and the tornado goes towards the campers. "Stop this right now Beelzebub and lets fight away from this camp."

"You think I would listen to you? I'll fight where I please."

She shakes her head before grabbing Beeba's neck and flying away from the camp. The tornado disappears and the whole camp is a mess. The campers snap back in reality and realize the demons are gone. 

D'Angelica drops Beeba in a field and they back up from the raging demon.

"Oh you're going to die now. You and the child!"

D'Angelica looks around and sees several demons suddenly landing in the field also.

"They will wait until I have ripped you two apart so badly, even your 'Father' won't bring you back." 

D'Angelica attacks with a fire sword. Beeba pulls out a dark sword and they strike. Dave watches as the darkness in Beeba's sword seeps into the fire. Angelica pulls back and they both strike with ferocity. The ground cracks under pressure and the grass is burnt to a crisp. Dave uses the ground to grab hold of Beeba's legs and watches as Angelica slices at Beeba. Beeba snarls and sends his sword into their gut.

Dave can feel the sword sucking up all of his strength. Angelica tries to encourage him to stay strong. But his body can't take it. He kneels on the ground as Beeba grabs their neck. "Now you'll know what fear really is."

Then Beeba sends their hand into Dave's chest and pulls out Angelica. Angelica pushes Beeba aside and tries to help Dave who is coughing up bile. "Get up Dave," cries Angelica, before being tackle by the other demons.

Dave struggles to get up and as he does Beeba hits him with a water whip. Dave tries to tuck himself in but the whip slashes apart his skin. "You think you're so powerful?! I'm the strongest there is. No one can beat me!"

Dave tries to move away but he's stuck. Angelica desperately tries to get the demons off, but they hold her down. Beeba stops whipping him and freezes the water until it's a large spear. Dave watches as Beeba moves him with his foot until Dave is sprawl on the ground. Beeba raises the spear and Angelica screams with mercy. Beeba stops and roars, "Will someone shut her up?!"

A demon tries to put its hand over her mouth but she bites deeply. The demon yelps and Angelica flares up, burning the demons. The demons pat out the fire and Angelica manages to pull out her sword and slices through them. Angelica roars with anger and swings her fist, connecting with a demon's jaw.

Angelica sees Beeba and races towards him, but a demon stops her and pins her down onto the ground. It was the same demon that kidnapped Dave. "Well well, looks like you're out of luck."

Angelica fights but the demon sends his sword into her gut. Dave screams a nonhuman scream. Angelica looks at him and smiles. "I-I'm so sorry for—"

The demon doesn't let her finish as he slams his foot into her face. Beeba smiles and looks down at the raging Dave. Dave raises both of his palms and Beeba laughs with glee. "You really think that will help?"

But as Beeba looks down again he sees the tattoos on Dave's hands disappear. His eyes are now golden and the ground begins to shake. Beeba stops smiling and backs up a bit. The other demons look at Dave with a glimpse of terror and suddenly the ground bursts open. 

Beeba is knock back by the explosion and quickly gets up to see a golem staring at him. The golem roars and Beeba suddenly covers his  ears in surprise. Then it crouches and starts running towards him. Angelica pulls the sword out and flings the demon with super strength. She gets up and watches as the ground obeys the golem.

A giant sledgehammer form from rocks rises from the ground and the golem grabs it. Beeba smiles and pulls out his sword. "This is going to be easy," grins Beeba.

As he tries to get closer to the golem it slams its hammer on the ground and the ground splits open. Beeba flies into the sky but the golem grabs his leg and swings him down. The golem rips its wings apart and Beeba roars.

"Oh you're going to pay now!"

But the golem sends the ground at him, dirt and grass hitting his face. Beeba spits it out but is hit by the hammer and lands across the field. Angelica watches as the golem turns its head and looks at her. Then it looks at Beeba and roars again.

Beeba looks around for his companions and sees that they left. "You cowards! You will pay when I get back!"

Suddenly a hand from the ground grabs Beeba and holds him down. Beeba tries to pry its hand open but it doesn't budge. Several more hands grab Beeba and the golem appears from the ground. The golem raises the hammer and cracks an ugly grin. Beeba realizes who the golem is. "D-Dave?"

That's the only thing Beeba could say before the hammer came down with speed and strength.

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