Chapter 16-Time has come

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The novices scatter and Dave is taken back to the pavilion. They sit him down and Deborah points her finger at his face. "What kind of fighting is that? We don't have time for street fighting. Weapons are your only choice in that lesson, so I suggest you try next time to get that into your head."

Dave glares but doesn't say anything. "We can't let you throwing punches at people who're stronger than you."

Deborah sighs as Dave nods his head. "Dave let me ask you a question. Do you think that this place is safe?"

Dave shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know. Should it be safe for people like me?"

"It should but we had compilations where the safest place for Descendants ended up being like a living hell. We'll never try to let that happen again but we can't promise that. Do you really think you're safe out there now?"

"Was I ever safe?"

"No. You would have been found by them sooner or later. The outcomes wouldn't have been so great."

Dave looks as Deborah looks away and wipes her face. "You're playing a big part of saving the world Dave. Try to listen so we can help you ok?"

Deborah leaves with that and Dave sits there thinking. Sheba sits down next to him and Dave smirks.

"How come you didn't say anything earlier during the bus stop?"

" I didn't want to freak you out  so early but griffin ruined everything."

"I guess it did. But all this time you stalked me like it wasn't a bad thing."

"It wasn't. I was keeping you safe."

"Really? I guess you were there when I was being beaten by that demon," says Dave.

Sheba  says, "That's one."

"But you wasn't there when they killed my family."

Sheba stops and grits her teeth. "You think that's my fault? Next time learn to use your powers wisely instead of trying to kill a prophet."

"That was on accident. Samuel vexed me."

Sheba throws up her hands and gets up. "Well screw your attitude Dave. We already told you about our lives. We've all lost people and we want them back but we can't. We have to live with what we got."

Sheba waits for Dave's reaction but there is none. She huffs and is about to leave when Dave forcefully grabs her hand. Dave whispers, "Thou time has begun. The invasion is near. Beware of the coming of flies."

Sheba yells and struggles for Dave to get off. Sam and Jon run towards the commotion. Sam pulls Dave off of her and Sheba moves her wrist. "Are you ok,"asks Sam.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine."

"What the freak is wrong with you," shouts Sam.

Sheba stops Sam and watches as Dave convulses on the ground. Suddenly pillars of rocks appear out of the ground. Alarms blare as campers grab weapons and run around in sheer panic. "What the blazes is going on," shouts Joshua walking out of the lodge. He sees pillars of rocks appear out of the ground and causing commotions. "What happened to him now," moans Joshua.

Spear men surround Dave as Sheba talks to them. Dave tries to get up, which only causes more commotion.

"What's wrong with him?"

"Sheba tell your man to stop playing around."

"He's a lunatic."

"Enough," shouts Jon.

"He shouldn't even be here," says a voice that Dave recognizes. It was the same boy that was at the ceremony.

"Dakota shut up," shouts Sheba.

Dakota snickers and walks next to Dave. He pulls out a sword and kneels down. "If you touch him Dakota I swear to our heavenly father I'll murder you."

"Why? He doesn't care about you anyway."

That shuts up Sheba as Dakota examines Dave. "Get the hell away from me," grits Dave.

"Watch your language boy. Some words can't be said here. Especially here."

"I don't care. You don't tell me what to do."

Dakota shakes his head and gets up. "Do you see what's happening to our little prodigy? On the ground with nothing but fear clouding his mind. We don't need him for anything. He's just a newbie waiting for fate to take him. It's time to show the enemy what we're really made of without him."

"That's enough Dakota," says Deborah who motions for the counselors to disperse the crowd.

But Dave yells and cover his ears as the ground starts to quiver. Rocks shoot from the ground and surround Dave. Sheba backs up as the rest does too. Dave stands up and says, "The time has come for the prophecy to begin. Stand guard, for your fates have been altered. . . forever."

With that, Dave falls down and darkness clouds his mind.

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