Chapter 38-Looks Familiar?

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Sheba clumsily walks into the McDonalds with Jon and Sam. They are all tired from dodging the infected. Jon orders the food and they all sit down. Sam slams his head on the table and snores.  Jon watches as a man changes the current channel to the news channel.

"This is complete terror," says Sheba.

They all look like a mess. Sheba hasn't been able to straighten her hair or even take a bath at least. Sam and Jon look even worse but still manage to look decent. She is utterly a mess. Their food comes and Jon wakes up Sam who swallows down his food. Sheba is usually picky when it comes to food but now she doesn't even bother to throw the pickles away.

They eat everything and Jon looks at the screen, mouth wide open. Sheba looks at the T.V. and sees the headline,  "S.I.L.A.S. building goes down by a domestic terrorist attack."

Jon turns completely white as a man in a golden suit talks to the reporter. "How did this happen Silas?"

"We were having a good time when several men started causing a commotion and unleashing bullets into the crowd of people. It was absolutely terrible."

"Several of your guests told us that people with long tongues crashed through the windows and attacked them."

"People with long tongues? Oh please, we were having a good time. Most of them were drunk so they were probably hallucinating."  

The reporter turns to the camera and says, "We still don't have a lead where the men went but if you see any suspicious activities please contact the Federals. This is reporter Jenny signing off."

"Do you think that man could have seen the infected?"

"Most likely not," quickly replies Jon.

Sheba and Sam can see the look on Jon's face indicating that something is up, but they don't pressure him to cough it up.

"Anyway I guess we're done so we should leave," says Jon as he gets up.

They open the door and watch people walking, doing their business and stuff. Not even knowing that a dark evil filled the city. "We need to find Beelzebub and finish this madness."

"I agree with Sam," says Sheba.

Jon doesn't say anything as they walk towards a pedestrian stop and wait for the walking symbol to show up. Sheba turns around to see several people walking and recognizes the young boy. "Dave!"

Jon and Sam turn around to see Sheba race after the boy. Just as she begins to nearer to him, the boy gives a loud screech causing Sheba to stop. The boy twitched and then charges towards her. 

"N-no. No!"

Everyone watches as the boy tries to tackle Sheba. She can't move, fear holds her in place. Just as the boy almost hits her something hits it hard too, knocking it back. Sheba turns her head to see another boy knocking him back and saying, "Now is that how you treat a lady?"

The boy gets up and whips out its tongue. "Watch out! You can't beat him!"

The other boy looks at her and winks at her before uppercutting the boy hard, causing it to stumble back and bite off its own tongue. The infected screams and begins to lunge towards the boy. But he sidesteps it and knocks the infected down. Onlookers watch in curiosity as they fight. A policeman walks towards them. The boy seeing this slices the infected's head off and begins running. People scream and some puke. The policeman calls for backup as he pursues the killer. Sheba gets up and realizes that the boy looks familiar. 

Sheba tries to remember but can't.  Suddenly an empty shop explodes near them. Sheba falls back down and everyone begins running away. Sheba looks around and sees the boy coming towards her. Sam and Jon are moving away from the shop and are trying to get to Sheba but people block their path.  The boy helps Sheba up. "Anytime ay? You're alright?"

"Y-Yea I'm fine. Thank you. How did you escape from the police?"

"Don't worry about that. At least you're safe, Sheba.

"H-How do you know my name?"

The boy smiles and gets up. "You'll remember soon enough."

With that, he runs off and blends in with the screaming crowd. 

"Sheba," shouts Sam who reaches her. "Are you ok?"

"Sheba turns back and he's gone. Somehow snuck back into the crowd of people. "Y-yeah, I'm fine."

"We should leave. You've already caused some commotion for yourself."

Sheba nods at Jon and they sneak into the crowd as the sirens and police lights rise above everything else.

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