Chapter 6-The arson

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Once they left Dave's eyes return back to normal color and he falls down again. Sheba tries her best to shout but the pain is immense. The smoke is rising even faster now. They have only a few minutes before they suffocate or die from bleeding. Sheba shakes her head, wanting a miracle to happen.

Sam sees the look on her face and says, "This isn't the end Sheba. Jon is still out there. He'll come and help us."

"When will he come to get us," replies Sheba.

"Now I believe," says a voice behind them.

Two figures pick Dave up while the Jon pulls the swords out of their arms and legs.

"Good thing they miss your arteries."

Sheba grumbles as they help her up. A girl places mushed up leaves and holy water on their wounds. Sheba groans in agony as the wounds heal.

"There you go. Now let's get back to the van."

Jon leads the way as they walk out of the burning woods. Sheba stops limping and says, "I need to go to Dave's house."

"Not now. The police and firefighters are on their way. We need to leave now."

"Not without seeing Dave's house."

"What for?"

"To at least know that his parents haven't been. . ."

Jon stares at Sheba for a long time before sighing, "Ok. Have it your way Mrs. Wanna-stalk-Dave's-house. But if you get caught don't go begging for us to come and save you."

Sheba thanks Jon and gets inside the van. Two teenagers were in the front starting up the van.

"Joshua ain't too happy to about you three."

"Who cares about the old man? We need to go now, Carl."

Carl replies by slamming the gas pedal into the street. Dave eyes flicker as they rode into the neighborhood. Sheba cuddles Dave as he lays there. Sam and Jon look at them both whispering to each other.

Carl turns around and says, "Um Sheba do you really want to see his house?"

Sheba looks out the window to see Dave's house on fire. Neighbors scream and phones flash. Sheba opens the door hard and runs out.

"Sheba, come back," shouts Jon, but Sheba isn't listening. She opens the door releasing loads of flames. Sam grabs her and they jump back into the lawn. Sheba pushes Sam off and tries to find a way into the house. Jon grabs her roughly shouting, "You can't go in there it's dangerous."

Sheba wasn't listening. She is screaming and cursing the demons in Hebrew. Carl and the girl watch the scene happen. Sheba punches Jon in the nose and run back to the door only to be tackled by Sam."Stop making a fool of yourself Sheba."

Sheba continues to scream but stops when she sees a horde of flies flying in a different direction. The flies surround a figure in the woods. Sheba, Jon, and Sam watch as the figure leaves the presence.

"Hey you! Come back here, you have some explaining to do."

Sheba runs toward the woods with Sam and Jon right behind her. By the time they got there the figure was gone.

"Who was that," replies Sheba.

"You ask me. All I know is that the supernatural energy in here is spiking up my watch," says Sam.

Sheba sees Dave coming out of the van screaming in horror. They run back to the van seeing him drop to the ground crying. Sheba bends down next to them and calmly hugs him. Dave doesn't resist. Sam and Jon start talking to the neighbors. They come back with some information.

"A man said he saw a figure knocking on the door. Your parents open the door and they let him in. An hour later the figure came out and once he left the house blew up into flames. They never saw what the person looked like however."

Dave clenches his fists. Jon kneels down and says, "Are you going to be ok?"

"Ok? Do I look ok to you?! My parents are dead, the house is burning, and you're asking me if I'm ok."

Sheba bites back her remark but Sam gets to him before she can.

"Look Dave. Sometimes this happens to some descendants who join."

"You mean this is because of me joining you guys?"

Jon gives Sam the shut-up-look. But it is too late. Dave stands up and points his finger at Sheba.

"You mean to tell me that this wouldn't have happen if it wasn't for you three?"

"No. They would have killed you and your parents anyway. That's why I was taking you back home. To rescue your parents. But we were too late," says Sheba.

Dave watches their faces. They all have the look of sadness and failure. Dave turns back and watches the house burn bright and the noises of fire trucks heading their way.

"Um guys? We need to go before they come," suggests Carl.

Sheba gets up and walks back to the van. Sam goes with her but Jon stays.

"What do you want Jon," hisses Dave.

"Nothing. Just want to tell you how sorry I am to let you down like this. My family abandoned me so I don't know how you feel. They left me for dead in the streets. Me all alone in the wilderness. But you're not alone anymore Dave. You have people just like you out there in the world wanting to fight beside you. Sheba, Sam, and I are three of them. People have waited for this day to come. Do you want to disappoint them? Worst things will happen to you. This is the first and it won't be the last. If you want to stay you can. But it would be best to come with us."

Jon looks at him once more before going back. Dave watches him leave and looks at the house with tears in his eyes. "I'm so sorry Mom and Dad. But I will find this killer and avenge your deaths. I'll promise you that. I love you always."

With that, Dave turns his back on the house and walks towards the van.

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