Chapter 1- But griffins are myths!

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Dave opens his eyes looking at dark clouds in the dark purple sky. Wait a minute. Isn't the sky supposed to be blue? Dave shakes his head, but the sky is still a dark purple. Rain pours from the sky, hitting the ground. Then from the sky comes a boom and something hits the ground hard, sending dirt, grass, and huge clumps of wet earth everywhere.

There is a huge crater and inside it is a hideous creature. The figure has 2 pair of yellow transparent wings, four pale hairy arms with purple blades touching the ground in the middle of its hands. Instead of normal eyes it has compound eyes like a fly.

The monster looks at Dave with a wicked grin full of sharp teeth. Dave realizes that he has a sword, but fear grips him in place.


A girl's voice rings in the sky. Dave can't see the person nor hear where is coming from.

"You can fight him!"

But Dave doesn't agrees with the girl's voice and runs. But when he turns around, the monster is right above him. The monster tackles him down and grabs his hand hard, forcing him to drop the sword. The monster turns him around and grins.

"You're useless," it says in a deep voice. Its long tongue comes out, longer than its arm, and strikes Dave in the neck. The monster clamps hard.

Dave wakes up in a cold sweat. He tries to shake it off, but can't. He has been having nightmares like this for a while and they were getting worse. Dave groggily gets out of his bed. He sways into the bathroom and brushes his teeth and washes his ruddy face only to see the long tongue snap at him. He instinctively falls down before realizing that it's a hallucination. He gets up and quickly gets his clothes on. He runs downstairs and sits down at the brown table eating his cereal. A flashback of the dream appears in his head. He shakes his head wishing it would go away. He gets up and puts on his bag and walks out the door.

Dave starts walking towards the bus stop, which is about 4 blocks away. His blood-brothers, all eight of them, were all "too old" to take care of their younger brother. He despises them greatly. As he is walking he thinks about his life. His life isn't really great. His adopted parents force him to get good grades, he's a bully magnet, and has no relationship skills at all. But his parents were good Christians who always went to church.

The bus is late, as usual. As Dave waits for a long time he sees a girl coming his way. He recognizes the girl. Her name is Sheba and she goes to his high school. Most of the time she is with her popular friends or hanging out with Jon and Sam, two football players. Not like Dave knew or anything. She's slightly dark with brown hair and wears a gray spaghetti strap, with blue jeans, has a white backpack with gold stripes. She bends down and he blinks his eyes several times to hold himself together. They stand 3ft from each other and were both quiet for a few minutes. After what seems a decade, Dave speaks.

"H-hello," says Dave.

"Hello, my name is-"

"Sheba. Yeah I know." Sheba is taken back by the rudeness. "That's nice to know. I guess I have a stalker in my neighborhood."

"Not even. You go to my school."

"Oh. Right."

"My name's Dave."

"Oh. Right," says Sheba, not interested

"You're really popular at our school."

"I am? Hm, never noticed."

"Don't play dumb with me. People talk about all the time. In a good way mostly."

"Oh stop you're making me blush," sighs Sheba.

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