Chapter 3-wait. Is that a demon?

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After Dave's third class he goes to the cafeteria, sits down and eats his lunch. Dave sees Sheba walking towards him with Sam and Jon right beside her. Dave curses under his breath and turns the other way.

Sheba ignores the behavior and sits next to Dave, while Sam and Jon sit on the opposite side. "Hello sweetheart."

"What do you want from me," Dave says in agony.

"Oh nothing. Just your understanding about the topic."

"What topic?"

Sheba pecks Dave on the cheek. Dave move two seats from her and wipes away that lemon lipstick? Sam whispers something to Jon and starts chuckling. Dave wonders what they are talking about but doesn't get the chance because Sheba suddenly eats his hot fudge chocolate brownie. Dave loses it.

"You just ate my hot fudge chocolate brownie."


Dave closes his eyes and replies with, "That brownie was my brownie. Not yours. My chocolate brownie."

"Well, it was delicious."

Dave slams his fist on the table causing Sheba to jump.

"Is this a game to you? Asking me dumb questions every time you see me? Telling me that this world isn't what is seems like? I'm tired of this bs. l Everything was perfect until you came along."

"No, I'm trying to stop from seeing what you want to see. We went past that state. Thinking everything is ok? Well it's not. That griffin today. Was that reality or something else?"

Dave closes his mouth, not because he knows the answer but because Sheba was looking a little frustrated.

"You're not learning anything right now. This world is falling apart and you can save it."

"How? By joining a creepy camp with creepy super kids that have special gifts?"

"They're not special, they're spiritual."

"Yeah, spiritually retarded."

"Hey, you can shut up now," replies Sam.

Dave sees the look on Sam's face and suddenly goes quiet. Sam is carribean dark with long dreadlocks. His muscles are big and he is built. Jon on the other hand is built too, but not as buff as Sam. Jon is caucasian with black hair.

"What Sheba is saying is true. You just haven't put it into your stupid head yet."

Dave is about to argue when he sees a hobo walk to the entrance doors. The cafeteria doors were open and Dave sees the man banging on the attendant's office. The woman looks up from her phone and replies. Dave couldn't hear what they were saying but it was getting pretty nasty. Suddenly the man lungs at the woman's throat, sends her flying from her chair and into the floor.

Most of the kids stop eating to watch the scene. The principal, secretary, janitor, and vice-principal come out of the main office and try to settle the man down. But the hobo lunges at the principal and grabs his throat. The principal yelps in horror and tries to pry off the strong grip. The hobo throws him into the door and roars with fury. Sheba turns her head and watches the scene. The janitor and the school police, who finally makes it, wrap the hobo's arms against his back and pins him down.

"We got him sir," say the police. The principal nods his head but doesn't look so sure. The police drag the man away, not before the man looks straight at Dave with a cheery grin. Then they both walk away. Sheba looks at the man and says to Dave, "Do you know that man?"

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