Chapter 28-Camp out

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Sheba wakes up with a huge spider right next to her. She screams and stabs it. But she realizes it's not real and shouts, "Sam!"

She tears open his bag and holds the spider.

"I'm going to get you good. So good."

"Oh, good morning to you Sheba. I don't know what you're talking about."

"Of course you do. You put this spider in my sleeping bag!"

Sam rubs his eyes and yawn.

"What's going on," says Jon getting up.

"Sam being a douche and he's pissing me off."

Sam throws his hands up and breaks apart the tent. Jon makes breakfast and Sheba glares at both of them. But she drops the spider and packs his sleeping bag. She brushes her hair and smells her morning breath. Not so bad, just a breath mint to help me out for the day. She folds up the tent and sits down to eat. They discuss their plan.

"We're close but I believe those hell hounds were sent to hunt us. Someone knows we're here."

"So what do we do?"

"We lay low until we get into Chicago."

They agreed and put their bags into the van. Jon looks at the bust up wheel and curses.

"We need a new car."

"We can't just hijack a car!"

"Well what do you suggest Sheba. Walk?"

Sheba is about to say something but shuts up. Sam walks next to a small van and breaks open the window. Jon opens the door and hot wires the car. "Get our stuff and let's head out."

Sheba grabs their stuff and puts it in the back of the van. Suddenly several men walk out the back door and see the kids in their van.

"Hey! What are you kids doing?"

Well it wasn't like that exactly. There were some languages that needed to be opt out. Sheba closes the back of the van and gets inside.

"Hurry Jon."

They start running towards them and Sam climbs inside. Jon continues to get the van ready when it begins to sputter with life. Jon closes the door and says, "Seat belt everyone."

"Hurry," shouts Sheba as the men get closer.

Jon starts the car and drives out the of the parking lot. The men curse and throw rocks at them as they leave.

"That was close," says Sam looking back.

Suddenly something thumps on the roof and Jon swerves. The things falls out and Sheba can see the child snarling at them.

"It's a infected."

Jon stops the car and the kid hits the road. It gets back up and the tongue snaps open, breaking the mouth into four parts.

"That's disgusting," says Sam as he swallows his bile.

The kid attacks the van, banging on the glass.

"Oh no you don't," says Jon as he starts driving again and the kid goes under the van, making a bumping sound. The kid gets up again and runs with speed.

"The back doesn't have a window."

Jon sees the kid in the rear view mirror and watches as it punches through the van. Sheba sees several more people running towards them.

"We need to get out of here."

"How did this happen? We just got here and there's already infected. It's like they knew we would be here."

Sam and Sheba looks at each other as Jon finishes saying that.

"Do you mean we have a juda?"

"It could be possible. We need to contact Joshua to clarify."

The boy sticks its tongue into the hole but Sheba slams it with her bag. The little boy screeches and retracts his tongue. Suddenly another infected slams onto the van and Sheba grabs her seat. Jon drives faster and leaves the other infected behind. The kid is still on top, slashing at the roof. Joshua pulls out his pistol and fires at the air. The kid screeches again and slides off the roof, hitting the ground.

"Why did you do that,"asks Sheba.

"I don't have time to answer that Sheba. You know the answer."

They continue to drive and Sheba closes her eyes, trying to hinder the image from entering her mind.

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