Chapter 40-Descendants, Infected, and Bears, Oh My!

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The trio walks into the woods, getting ready to go to bed. "I need to sleep and take a hot shower," complains Sheba as she flops on the ground.

"You know that's not happening anytime soon," replies Jon.

"Who told you to talk," hisses Sheba as she begins to fall asleep. A screech fills the air and Sheba open her eyes and gets up. She pulls out her qama and curses. "How the devil did they find us?"

Sam grabs his club and Jon pulls out his scimitar. "We won't be able to win this. Heavenly Father, please help us."

Sam and Sheba do the same and watches as hundreds of infected race towards them. "Run!"

They run out of the woods and into a cul-de-sac. A man with a rifle shouts at them. "What the h—?"

His words were cut short as several infected tackle him and begin feasting. "No," shouts Jon who charges towards them but then something huge lands on the ground. The thing has wet wings, a slimy large body with a misshapen head. It's totally mutilated. Sheba looks away but can't stop the puke from erupting from her mouth. Sam does the same thing.

The thing looks at them with small compound eyes and out comes a 5-foot tongue. Now it's Jon turn to puke. The creature looks at them before letting out a terrible roar. "Is that a fly or a dragon," asks Sheba as she finishes puking. She wipes her mouth and watches as the thing sluggishly walks towards them. Sheba throws a qama at it and it makes a sucking noise as the qama disappears in its fat stomach.

The beast still come towards them and Sheba begins trying to get Sam and Jon up. Just as she gets them up, two bears attack the beast. The other infected starts to go after the bears but Sam and Jon strike them down. Sam swings, smashing skulls as Jon sends his sword into their stomachs.

"Destroy all of them!"

Sheba stares long enough for an infected to slash her chest. She backs up and drops kick the infect, snapping its neck. It falls down and green blood dribbles from its cheek. Sheba looks at the wound and sees a maggot trying to get in. She quickly picks it up and flicks it away.

The beast throws the bears aside and walks towards Jon. "Those are Syrian bears," says Jon.


"Someone is protecting us because Syrian bears aren't from America."

Sam slams his club sending some infected into the ground. "Well, I don't care as long as they're helping us."

He swallows a pill and his body suddenly gets buffer. He starts punching through the group. Sheba uses her qama to slash her way through the oncoming infected. They were terribly outnumbered as infected burst from the woods. The giant one is having trouble and seems rather irritated as the bears tear it apart.

"Protect the bears," shouts Jon.

They get near the giant and help the bears. The giant grabs an infected and uses it as a shield. Sam pushes it away and charges the giant, sending it several feet before it raises its hand and tries to squish Sam but because of the pill, he dodges the fist and tackles the beast. He picks it up and throws it into the old man's house. Other houses' lights turn on and the infected race towards those houses. Sheba follows one as Jon motions for her to go. The bears attack the other infected as Sam takes care of the giant.

Sheba reaches the house and follows the screaming infected inside. A family is having dinner as the infected surround them. Sheba sends a knife into its head and charges into another one, knocking the child from its hands. The other infected glares at her and prepares to strike but Sheba swings her leg and catches it in the mouth, sending it backward into a chair. Sheba lands on her hands and sends her legs into an infected. The infected crashes into the patio and stays there.

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