Chapter 19-Clique

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"Mr. James is a retired engineer for the Development of Armored Technology. They create armored suits for the military. Somehow the company has recently shut down for unknown purposes.  He lives with his wife, Roslyn, and his two daughters."

Sheba finishes the summary of Mr. James and says, "What does this mean?"

No one says anything and Sheba groans with frustration. "Come on guys, I need answers!"

"Why are you agitated about this man," asks Jon.

"Because he's the guy that could hurt Dave. I can't let that happen."

Sam shakes his head and says, "When did you become so soft? It's never like you to care about others' feelings."

Sheba stops talking and sighs. She puts her hand on her head and rubs her forehead. "I just...want to keep the only connection to my past safe ok? Jon and I grew up with him but he probably doesn't remember."

Jon nods his head and motions for Sam to leave for a moment. He sits down next to her and grabs her other hand gently. "Are you ok? Like not trying to kill yourself ok."

"Yeah I'm fine. I just need to find more information about this  killer."

"Look, Dave probably knows more than anyone else. How about we go ask him."

"I think it's too late for that," replies Sheba.

"What do you mean," asks Jon just as Sam comes barging in.

"Um we have a problem."

"Can it wait," asks Sheba.

"It's more like a Dave has escape problem."


Sam goes running out again with Sheba and Jon following him. A couple of kids are with the guards while others look at the cabin's door.

"Holy crap," shouts Cassie as she looks at the door.

Dakota is sadly there also. "Well look what happens when you have a Descendant of David."

The three guards are being treated as Jon asks them what happen. "What happened? Oh I'll tell you what happened. Your prodigy attacked all of us and then left the camp."

"He did what?"

"You heard me. The guy stole my keys, took Albert's scimitar and went out to do heavens knows where! I tell you this, I don't believe that he is the prodigy child. Not one bit."

Sheba grabs his collar and hisses, "Well he is so deal with it. Should've seen him coming you idiot. How long have you been here again?''

The guard is quiet but gives her a nasty glare. Sheba lets go and looks at Dakota. "What do you want?"

"I'm the commander of the guards aren't I? I say we keep him out there. He could be a traitor."

"He's not Dakota. He's probably going back to the house," replies Sheba.

"Why would he go back there," asks Jon. Cassie comes and motions for Jon to follow her. Jon follows Cassie to the cabin. "What is it?"

"I found something that you should see."

Cassie unravels a sticky note that has an unfamiliar handwriting. "I think we have a judas."

Jon gives out a sigh. "Does anybody else know?"

"I don't think so. I grabbed it before anyone could look."

Jon thanks Cassie and tells her to keep it a secret. Cassie nods her head and leaves the presence. Jon looks at the note and shakes his head. He turns and walks towards the commotion of Sheba and Dakota. "You can't let this boy get away Sheba! Sam, talk some reason into her!"

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