Chapter 43-Elisa saves the day

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Angelica watches the struggling Sheba. Kaleb and his wife went shopping while the lions lie on the floor. "It's getting worse isn't it."

"Oh wow, thanks Mr. Obvious. This disease is too strong for my healing properties. I'm a warrior, not a healer."

"Should I eat her," growls Omega.

"No, leave Angelica alone. It's her own fault that she's in this form."

"Oh and how about you, Alphie? What happen to you two?"

"We—were meant to be this way. King David sent us to protect Dave but no, we're here listening to you complaining instead of helping our leader."

"Hey! I'm helping him too. By healing his girlfriend. And I saved him from Silas."

Omega chuckles a bit and gets up. "So should we hold her down or should we continue watching her in agony?"

Angelica looks at the foaming Sheba and sees the change happening. Her hands are ending up as claws and her skin is becoming a pale green. Sheba looks at Angelica but continues to scream in agony. "A human shouldn't be going through this. We need to find him."


"I might be an assistance," says a voice from behind.

The lions get up and growl. Angelica sees the bald white boy leaning on the wall. "Well well, look who's upon us. Did Eli decide to give you up?"

"Not really. I'm here to help. He's doing something else. You know how he is."

"Oh I know."

"Um Angelica? Will you kindly introduce us to your fellow friend?"

"First off, he's not my friend and he's the Descendant of Elisha."

Alpha and Omega nod their head at Elisa who waves. "Well we should get going."

"Why? I need to heal—"

"With your healing, no.  I have a plan that can be used against Beelzebub."

Angelica laughs. "One of your brilliant plans again, huh? Oh this oughta be good."

Elisa brushes that off and walks up to Sheba. Sheba hisses at him but he shows no fear. "W-why are you near me? G-get away."

"Sorry miss but you need my help and Dave needs yours."

With that Sheba stops moving and looks at him before he presses his hand on her forehead. Suddenly everything went dark in Sheba's head. She looks around and sees her real self. She looks terrible. "It's ok. Soon that will be you but we can use it as an advantage."

Sheba looks at him with a confused look. "Look, you'll still be infected but your human mind will stay intact.  You'll have supernatural strength, a keen sense of smell, and very good reflexes. It's a win win."

Sheba nods her head but says, "What if that all fails and we end up dead?"

"Hey you're the weapon, not me."

"Thanks, that makes me feel so much better."

Elisa walks up to her and gently touches her forehead. "Don't be scared. This will work. Promise me that you will use your powers for good rather than go wild with it."

Sheba nods her head and begins to feel calm. Elisa soothes her by humming a song. She looks at her real self and sees the beast calming down. The maggot screeches and starts crawling towards them. "Stay calm. Once the maggot bites you, the barrier will keep it from hypnotizing you."

Sheba feels the slimy thing crawl up her neck and take a nasty bite. The barrier works and Elisa drops with relief. Sheba goes back to reality and gets up. Angelica looks at her and says, "Can you understand me?"

Sheba tries to speak but the long tongue stops her. She nods and gets out of the bed. "Let's go," says Elisa.  

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