Chapter 44-K.O.

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Sam carries the moaning Joshua as he walks in the sewers. A large bump is on the fellow and Sam puts him down. "This ain't good. We're going to die if we keep going like this."

Joshua struggles to move but Sam holds him down. "You're not in the condition to move yet. You took quite a blow to the head."

Sam kneels down and watches a giant infected sluggishly walks towards the area. He grabs his club and waits for an opening. The thing gets closer and Sam closes his eyes. He yells and swings. He opens his eyes to see the infected's head tumbling. He laughs with relief and falls down. "I-I did it!"

"Congrats Descendant of Samson, you defeated only one giant out of how many? Oh that's right, a lot."

Sam turns around to see a humanoid smiling right at him. Sam's smile fades quickly. "Oh no."

He turns but another humanoid is in front of him. "Oh yes," it say before knocking him out.

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