Chapter 23-The dream

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Sheba wakes up in a dark room with light seeping through the slightly open door. She rubs her stomach and realizes the wound is completely gone. She knew that myrrh at least left a scar but this, this was something different. She throws the covers off of her and stands up. She stretches and gives a big yawn. Smacking her lips she opens the door and sees. . .no one. The entire lodge is empty. Something is off. She calls out but nobody answers. She opens the main doors and looks in horror.

The entire sky is dark purple with lightning flashing in the sky. Bursts of winds are everywhere, ripping grass off the ground. Several cabins crumble and rise into the sky. A giant vortex is in the middle of it all. She looks up and sees the image of a fly, its mouth is the vortex. Sheba looks for a place to hide but suddenly the lodge is rising.

She looks up and sees the bodies of her friends, loved ones and even people she didn't know. But as she looks closely she sees them moving and becoming fly creatures. They all screech at their master who is in the center, looking down at Sheba. Sheba pinches herself and moves out the way as a infected slams into the lodge. The creature is covered in darkness but Sheba hits it with a chair. Another one slams into the lodge and Sheba struggles to push the other one away. Several more come and Sheba runs inside her room and slam it shut.

"Don't let her escape," snarls a voice.

Sheba closes her eyes and waits for the door to be slam open before she charges in blindness, knocking down several of them and flying out of the lodge. Just as she hits the ground she sees the whole world go up fire as a dragon roars.

She slams her head on wood and moans. This time she is awake. She checks to see if she is alive and she is. She sighs and hears voices outside. She opens the door of her cabin and see Dave's cabin right next to her. He did it , thought Sheba.

A camper is running and she calls out. "What's going on?"

"Oh good, you're awake. There's a match between Jon and Dave."

What? Sheba runs out of her cabin following the camper, sport bra and all.

She runs to the group of kids near the lake. There she sees Jon and Dave sword fighting. She meets Deborah who's smiling at Dave. "Why aren't you helping," says Sheba with frustration.

"Helping who? Don't you see what's happening?"

Sheba looks at the fight and sees Dave keeping up with Jon! Was it even possible? She sees Dave knocking Jon down but he gets back up. "How long have they been going at each other?"

"For about 20 minutes."

Finally they stop and Jon drops his sword shaking Dave's hand. Dave smiles and says something. Both of them laugh and the crowd begins to leave. Sheba runs towards Dave and Dave stops. "Oh look who's up," says Dave.

For some reason Dave is different. His body is more built and his face is more attractive than usual. Sheba looks away for a second to stop herself.

"Hey Dave, seems you've been training?"

"Yeah, Angelica and I were training all night. She taught me stuff but I'm still learning. It takes awhile for stuff to settle in my mind. So are you ok? You're blushing like crazy."

Sheba tries to control her emotions but he walks even closer to her and she almost stumbles. "Can you give me some space for a second. Geez."

Dave shakes his head as he backs up. She clears her head and looks him in the face. "So who's this Angelica that you speak of?"

"I'm right here," shouts a voice behind her.

Sheba turns around and sees a small woman dresses in golden and white armor. She is carrying a needle-sized sword and has a stern expression on her face. "Ah, you're the girl I healed yesterday. Well nice meeting you but I need to bring Dave back to the cabin."

Angelica looks at Dave and groans as he doesn't get the cue. "Get back to the cabin Dave!"

Dave snaps back into reality and nods his head. "It was nice seeing you again but I have to go now."

He walks back with the shouting angel and she just stands there. "What did I miss?"

"Not that much Sheba. Only that Dave got his cabin, we captured the girl yesterday, and I had to sword fight Dave," replies Jon from behind her.

Sheba turns around and looks at Jon in his blue tunic. San joins them and they walk towards the lake. "She's slaving him in that cabin."

"Yeah but whatever she's doing it's working. His fighting has increased to a point where he's slightly able to keep up with me."

"You mean he's able to keep up with you," snorts Sam.

Jon tugs on his hair and pushes him away. Sheba looks back and slowly stops walking. "I need to talk to Joshua about something."

She begins running back towards the lodge as Jon and Sam look at each other. 

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