Chapter 17- Next Door Neighbor

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Dave awakes but he isn't in the cabin. He's back in his house and sees his parents getting their stuff ready. He tries to say something but nothing comes out of his throat. His Dad walks by him and says, "Hey honey, where is the box for Dave?"

"Why do you need it?"

"Something feels weird," says his Dad as he grabs something from the shelf.

Mom brings the laptop and sits it down. She brings the box and covers it up. Then she murmurs something and the box is covered in a blue aura. "The box will be safe until Joshua gets it:"

"Great. Start the webcam and be ready."

Mom quivers a bit but starts the recorder. Dad starts to lock the door and closes the curtains. They sit down next to each other and kiss before starting the conversation. Dave watches them and then appears out of the house.

He sees a figure walking towards his mailbox. The figure is Mr. James, his next door neighbor. He opens it when suddenly flies pop out of the mailbox and attack MR. James. They cover his mouth and a they fly around resembling a figure. The figure jasbs something into James's neck and then disappears. The flies dispersed and Mr. James lies on the ground.

Dave walks towards Mr. James and turns around in nausea., His face is disfigured and a large swell on his neck. Dave wonders who the figure was until Mr. James gets up and walks towards Dave's house. Mr. James' eyes were all black and his tongue turns into something like that of a fly's but fleshier.

He knocks loudly on the door while Dave tries to push him away from his family. "No," mouths Dave, but his father opens the door anyway. Mr. James says something in another language and attacks Dave's Dad. Dad pulls out a knife and stabs Mr. James but he isn't affected by it. Mom screams and grabs a kitchen knife. She races towards the thing and stabs it several times. Mr. James back slapped her with supernatural strength, sending her back into the family room.

Then the tongue flashes out and sticks on Dad's neck. Dad tries to pry it off but Mr. James holds his hands down. The life of Dave's Dad left before Dave's very eyes. Mr. James retracts his tongue and gets up. Mom tries to get up but Mr. James leaps from Dad and contracts the tongue into her throat.

Dave kneels down and anger swells inside him as he sees his Mom slowly dying. Mr. James then gets up and walks around the house, looking for something. The thing can't find is so it leaves the house, but not before grabbing something that looked like a match. He lights it up and throws it towards the sofas, setting the furniture ablaze. Then he opens the doors and limps back to his house.

Dave wakes up to see himself strap on a bed. He couldn't move anything as he struggles to get out. "Hey! Let me out!"

He sees footsteps outside the door and watches as two figures open the door. "Look who;'s up?"

"Get me out. I don't mean any harm."

"Of course you don't. Next time no pillars of rocks or we'll suspend you from the ground kapeesh?"

"Yeah. I got you."

Pillars of rocks, thinks Dave as they unstrap the bands and let him walk out of the room. He sees Sheba waiting by for him by the wall. "Took you long enough to settle down," replies Sheba.

"Yeah I guess it did. How long was I out?"

"For about the whole afternoon of yesterday and this morning."

Dave staggers back. The two campers help him up.

"I was out for the whole morning."

"It's not so bad when you're hit with the Visions. I had worse times."

Dave regains focus and says, "Visions? You mean things that appear real but they're not and you end up crapping your pants?"

Sheba stops and looks closely at Dave. "You had a vision huh?"

"Yeah. About my parents. I know who the killer is."

Sheba's face goes blank. The others look at Dave with surprise expressions. "You do?"

"Yeah. His name is Mr. James and he's my next door neighbor."

Sheba quickly grabs Dave's hand and leads him into the basement. of the lodge. "Cassie, go get Joshua, Deborah, Sam, and Jon now."

Cassie and the other guy run out of the lodge and later appears with the four. "What is the emergency," asks Joshua.

"Dave has something to say."

They all wait for Dave to say something. "I know who killed my parents. I saw it in a vision."

Joshua gives out a big huff. "He sits down and says, "Do you know who did it?'

"My next door neighbor, Mr. James."

"But didn't we see a creature," replies Sam.

"Yes but something happened to him. He was walking towards his mailbox when—"

"How do you know he was going to his mailbox," asks Jon.

"The vision took me outside ok? When he opened the box, flies rushed out and..."

Sheba helps Dave settle down as he tries to regain his composure.

"I never seen anything like that before. The flies started to cover his face and more kept coming, until they formed a figure."

"Wait. Are you telling me that the flies formed into something?"

"Yes. You don;t have to believe me but I saw what I saw. The figure stabbed Mr. James with something and then he dispersed. I walked towards the scene and Mr. James looked dead."

"What do you mean he looked dead," asks Deborah.

"I mean he wasn't dead. He got up and started walking to my house. He knocked on the door and—"

Dave stops and says, "And everything else is what we saw."

Everyone was quiet. Joshua gets up and ponders a bit. "Are you sure that's what you saw?"

"I saw what I saw. I know who killed them."

"If this vision is true, then the invasion is truly happening."

"What invasion?"

"The one you told us about. The coming of the flies."

"I told you? I don't recall that."

They all look at each other. Sehba says, "Dave, do you remember anything that happened yesterday afternoon?"

"No. What did happen?"

"Nothing. The point is, we now have proof who the killer is. Should we take a team to find Mr.James?"

"No, not yet. We don't know what he's capable of. Research him first, ask the other neighbors, and then find him. Good work Dave. Dave?"

Dave stands up and walks towards Joshua. "I would like to help also."

"With all due respect Dave, you're not ready for the forces out there. We know nothing about this creature except it has supernatural strength, a fly-like tongue, and could possibly be immune to wounds. We can't let a novice out in the battle field yet," says Joshua.

"But shouldn't I at least help to find my parents' killer? They're my parents."

"Yes but my companions. I need to find Mr. James without getting their own son killed. Promise me you'll not try anything stupid."

Dave looks at Joshua's pleading eyes, and sighs "I promise," he says with his fingers crossed. Joshua smiles and leads Deborah upstairs.

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