Chapter 22-Fun size angel

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"Who said that," says Dave as he stops moving and listens for the voice again.

"Down here human."

Dave looks down and sees one of the golden things moving. It stands up and flaps its wings towards him. "You look familiar. You remind me of that human who I was suppose to protect."

"You mean my Dad?"

"He was your Dad? I can see the resemblance. No brains at all."

Dave scoffs as the other thing wakes up and shouts at its twin. "Angelica stop messing with the boy. He's your new human now. You have to protect him."

"Yeah I know that. But why did Father ask me to be this boy's guardian. I mean I never seen a human so-"

"So what," asks Dave, not even caring that he is talking to small angels.

"So interject and feeble. I mean you humans think your all so powerful when the littlest thing can kill you."

"And what about you?"

"I have wings and am immortal, in a way. You see Angek? I have to actually live with him," exclaims Angelica.

"That's your fault for being so stubborn."

"It wasn't my fault. Gabriel always have to ruin someone's fun."

"You called that fun? Because of your actions, Father turned you and me into midgets. Now if you don't mind, I have to return to Father, to seek forgiveness."

Angek waves to Dave and says, "Keep her in check Dave, and keep him safe, Angelica."

Angelica snorts and flaps off into another room. Angek sighs and disappears in a blink of an eye. Dave stares at the box for a moment before he puts it down and walks into the room. Angelica is rummaging through his new clothes and shaking her head. "At least you're living decent. Living with a man who lived by himself with no women 24/7 isn't nice. Thankfully, your mother came along."

"You know, you're kind of sassy for a angel."

"Well you don't know all angels then hon. I'm a pure bred warrior, not some softy that takes care of humans. I fight the demonic beings that are on this Earth."

"We're doing the same thing," says Dave proudly.

"Yeah, not good enough. Little Beezy is back and I'm here keeping you safe. YOU! Of all people. It's not even a honor."

"Thanks for the comment. Who's Beezy."

Angelica stops talking and just flaps in the air. She flies towards the shelf and points at a book. "Here. Help yourself."

Dave grabs the book and reads the title. "Supernatural beings."

"Everything you need to know about the supernatural world is in here."

Dave opens the book and dust rises into the air. Dave coughs while Angelica turns the pages. She stops at the B section of the book. Dave looks at the words Beelzebub. "Beelzebub?"

Angelica shoots a fireball at Dave's arm and he yelps in pain. "Some names should never be spoken."

Dave nods his head and continues to read without saying its name. "This demon prince is a high level of danger. There isn't a lot of information about him but he comes to Earth as a group of flies that can form into anybody yet his powers are unknown. His main purpose is unknown. Height and weight are unknown. History: The Lord of Flies is another name for this demon prince. He was known as a Philistine god. Other research have shown him to be one of the classifications of demons. He has known to be gluttony, prince of idolaters, even an seraphim who fell with Lucifer."

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