Chapter 21-You are ready

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Flames wrap around him as he drops the knife and pats the flames. Just as he begins to get rid of the flames, Sam swings his club, impacting the boy's head. He stumbles and Dave gets up. Dave kicks him down and puts his foot on his chest. "Now's who the greater good?"

Dave expects terror in his eyes but the boy laughs as he dissipates into flies and fly up into the sky. "We. Meet. Again. Descendant."

With that the flies fly away from the store and sirens blaze nearby. "Now they come," moans Sam as he rubs his head.

"Get Sheba and let's get out of here."

"What about the van?"

"What about it? Everything from the van will be gone by the time they search it."

Sam picks up Sheba and Jon wraps a bandage around his arm. "You coming Dave or will you just wait for the cops to arrest you."

"For what? That boy did it."

"Yeah but will they believe you? You'll be the only one here."

Dave curses as he quickly follows Jon towards a alley. Jon mushes up some leaves and places them on Dave and Sheba. Dave hisses but waits as the pain subsides. "Should keep you ok until we get back to camp."

Jon leads them into a closed factory. He pulls out a repellents and sprays the air with it. The stuff flows around the area.

"Should keep any spies from finding us."

With that, Jon, Sam, and Dave climb up the hill and reach the camp. Several guards let them in, all eyeing Dave, and Joshua is waiting from them.

"What the Moses's staff were you thinking? You could've have been killed or even worse!"

I wonder what's worse than death, thought Dave as he sits down and cuddles his arm.

"Take Sheba and Dave to the medical center,"says Joshua to Sam.

Sam heaves both of them up on his shoulders and he walks to the lodge. Jon waits with Joshua who tells the guards to leave. "So what happen out there?"

"We found Dave in Mr. James house. It looks like he killed the parents."

"Out of cold blood?"

"I don't think so. Vengeance was his after all but I think we could have helped them. You know, find a cure."

"What do you mean by a cure?"

Jon swallows his saliva and tells Joshua everything. Joshua soaks it all up and then says: "Don't tell anyone about this yet. If what you said is true, then we have a big problem. Did you happen  to have a sample?"

"We do. It's. . .crap! It's back where we crash the van into the store."

"Wait you guys did what?"

"We could go back and get it. Hopefully she doesn't have enough energy to move."

"What are you talking about?"

"We left the infected daughter at the crash site. But right now healing is our priority."

Jon runs towards the lodge, Joshua keeping up with him. Some of the nurses rush to help Jon but he swipes them off.

"Help them first before you come to me."

Doctors were busy healing Sheba as she is locked onto the cot. She screams as they begin to pluck out pieces of the knife from her stomach. They stitch the wound and pour holy water on it. Then they quickly place myrrh leaves on the wound. Dave's head has a bandage around it and more on his arm. He looks Sheba and grimaces. Joshua walks up to him and says, "Are you able to listen now? See what happens when someone tries to disregard the rules?"

Dave nods his head, tears filling his eyes. "I didn't mean for this to happen. I just wanted revenge, just like you."

Joshua sighs and sits down. "I wanted vengeance. But is that always the answer? I shouldn't have clouded your thoughts of killing another human being."

"But it wasn't human. You saw it in the DVD. Did you see its tongue?"

Joshua nods his head but Dave continues. "It killed my parents sir and took over Mr. James' family. You really think that letting that thing go was going to solve anything? It's infecting people and I don't know who's behind it. The person caused our van to crash into a store and he. . .almost killed Sheba. Luckily Sam and Jon stopped the thing. You should have seen it. The flies formed into a boy and them back into flies. Never saw a Descendant like that before."

"Because it's not a Descendant, Dave."

Dave sees a quick glimpse of fear in Joshua's eyes.


Jon meets them by the bench and says, "Yes sir?"

"Go tell Deborah to go lock down on the camp. He has return."


"Just go!"

Jon races out the door and in a matter of seconds the sounds of lock down drown the area. Campers rush around in surprise and confusion. Counselors are beckoning campers to get inside their cabins. Kids grab their little siblings and rush into cabins. Joshua gets up and tells Dave to get up.

"Come now. You are ready."

"What about Sheba?"

"Oh Sheba will be fine. She has had worse problems before. Almost close to death experiences."

Dave regrets the decision of thinking he is stronger than Sheba. Later, if she's alive, he'll go and apologize to her. Dave watches Joshua as he takes him to another cabin. "Hey, what about the rookie's cabin?"

"We have to speed up things now Dave. You will have your own cabin now."

Dave almost stops in joy. His own cabin! He can't believe it. He keeps going until Joshua stops. In front of him is nothing but dirt. "Where's my cabin"

"That's the thing Dave. You have to call upon your cabin."

"How can I do that?"

"By using your ability."

Dave sighs before nodding his head and turns his palms outward. He begins to raise his arms and sweat forms on his brows. Nothing is happening and Dave stops. "I can't do it. You're asking me to raise a whole cabin."

"Dave I wish I could help but we need to hurry this up. War is upon us and we need your help."

Dave takes a deep breath and begins the stance again. He tries very hard, thinking about the death of his parents. Adrenaline is pumping into his arms and he gives a loud shout. The ground starts shaking and breaks open. The top of the roof comes out of the ground and the whole cabin manages to appear. Dave keeps raising his arms and Joshua mumbles something.

The ground closes and the cabin is finally on top. The outside of it is a shiny polish gray. Dirt rolls off the stone cover and Dave drops his arms. "You did good Dave. It's yours now."

Joshua begins to walk away but Dave shouts, "Wait! Aren't you going to come inside?"

Joshua smiles and says, "That's your home. No one can enter that cabin except for a Descendant of David. Congrats."

With that Joshua walks off and Dave is left to ponder about all of this. But he finally opens the door and looks inside. The whole floor is polish and looks bigger than the outside. A shelf of ancient books are on the side of the wall, one big bunk in the middle, and several rooms on his left and right. Dave looks at the bunk and sees a box. The same box his parents had when they—Dave shakes his head and walks towards it. He slowly opens it and looks inside. Inside is a long wooden staff, a slingshot, a necklace, and a polished stone. Dave picks it up and sees the Star of David symbol embedded in it.

Dave brings it to his lips and kisses it. "I'll never forget you Mom and Dad."

He looks at the other items and takes them out. Dave also sees a small box inside the box. It is golden with...small angels on top. He lifts the box but not before dropping it and screaming. The box is really hot and he flaps his arms. "Ah man! We have another idiot to deal with," replies a voice.

The Descendant of David: The AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now