A Promise to Keep 7

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Arthur's expression was a mixture of shock and confusion as his eyes were locked on Tessia. He shook his head, almost in disbelief, "I don't know what you-"

"Oh, don't even," Tessia snapped, narrowing her eyes on Arthur. "Art."

Arthur flinched, paling a little, "Why did you call me that?"

Tessia gave a smile that didn't reach her eyes, "It's what I've called you since we were kids." Her smile faded, "Remember."

Arthur eyed her for a moment, confusion evident in his facial features. He eyed Tessia curiously, "Did Cynthia or your family tell you something?"

Tessia's eyes widened in genuine surprise, not expecting Arthur to ask that. "What?" She looked at Arthur, perplexed, "They know you went back in time?"

Arthur paled and stood up abruptly, "You shouldn't know that!" He shook his head, his breathing staggered, "And Cynthia and your family both promised me they wouldn't tell you anything."

Tessia started with surprise at Arthur's words. Her eyes fell to the blanket, feeling a little betrayed that her loved ones knew about Arthur, yet they didn't tell her. However, she knew it would've been weird for them to tell her without her memories, and there was even a chance that she may not have believed them.

Tessia sighed and eyed Arthur sternly, "Well, at least they make good on their promises." Arthur's eyes narrowed, and he shook his head like he was going to deny knowing what Tessia was talking about. The frustration building inside Tessia burst, and she pushed the blankets off her. "Don't even try and say you don't know what I'm talking about."

Arthur watched Tessia apprehensively as she stood up from the bed and began to stalk toward him.

"You promised," Tessia said frustratingly, her eyes becoming watery.

Arthur backed away as Tessia approached him and backed right into a wall. He had nowhere to go as he watched Tessia with wide eyes as she approached and stood mere inches before him.

Tessia was breathing hard as she stared directly into Arthur's eyes, "Or don't you remember?" Tessia's lips began to wobble, "'A promise to stay alive. So that we can have a beautiful relationship and a family that our entire country can come together and celebrate.'"

Arthur flinched, his mouth opening and closing like a fish, at a loss for words.

"Yes, I remember," Tessia said as she reached up and gently placed her palm flat against Arthur's chest, right above his heart. Tessia could feel Arthur's heart beating a mile a minute. She spoke softly, "I remember everything."

"That's impossible," Arthur said in disbelief and slowly shook his head. "How can you remember?"

"I'm not exactly sure," Tessia said, smiling softly. "It started as dreams, where I would dream of the fight between you, Sylvie, Cadell, and Nico."

Arthur's eyes widened because now he knew Tessia wasn't lying, and it wasn't Cynthia or her family who told her. He knew because he didn't tell either of them about Nico.

"Y-You do..." Arthur began, his eyes becoming watery. "You do remember."

Tessia nodded, smiling at Arthur. Arthur stared at her in silence, warmth in his eyes. He slowly reached up, going to caress her face with his right hand. However, Tessia's smile faded as the warmth in Arthur's eyes was replaced with regret, and he dropped his hand.

Tessia looked at Arthur, confused, feeling her heart drop, "Art? What's wrong?"

Arthur sighed, closed his eyes, and swallowed hard. This was harder than he thought, one of the hardest things he had ever had to do.

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