The heart of a princess 2

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Tessia Eralith POV

I sat in the living room, growing more irritated by the minute. Dad decided to invite another son of one of the noble families over. He wanted me to meet him, since he was a possible suitor for my hand in marriage.

I could tell my dad's patience was beginning to become thin. He's had several suitors visit the palace now, all of whom I've rejected. I don't know what he expected. It's not like I'm going to marry the first boy he shoves in my face. There wasn't a single boy, that I felt any sort of attraction too. Well... except one.

A small smile graced my face as I looked out the window. I looked at the grass and the trees blowing in the wind. Memories flooded my mind of when I met Arthur. He was so mysterious, so alluring.

After our first meeting about a month ago, I've been sneaking out of the palace more frequently. I've been going back to the pond, and every time I do, he's waiting for me. I've seen him a little more then twenty times now. And every time I go to see him, it gets harder and harder to come back to the palace. Part of me just wanted to stay out in the forrest with Arthur, just forgo my title as princess.

As I sat there lost in thought, I barely noticed the knocking coming from the door. I looked at the door in time for it to open, and to see one of the maids peek their head in.

"Ah forgive me princess. You weren't answering, I've brought lord Feyrith, of house Ivsaar." The maid said.

"*sigh* Bring him in." I said in a monotone voice, as I stood up from the couch.

The maid walked in and held the door open, as I watched a long blonde haired elf walk in. He had a smug smile as his eyes fell on me. However, I couldn't help but notice his blonde hair. A small smile graced my face, as I was reminded of Arthur'a blonde hair. Feyrith must've noticed my smile, because his smug smile widened. I just rolled my eyes at him.

"Princess Tessia, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am Feyrith Ivsaar the third." Feyrith said with a slight bow.

I noticed he reached his right hand out, expecting me to take it. I just brought my hands behind me to the small of my back, as I gave him a small nod.

"Pleasure." I said in a monotone voice.

Feyrith's brows seemed to furrow a little at this, but he quickly composed himself. He stood up straight, as he motioned to the couch.

"Would you like to sit, so we can talk. I would like to get to know each other better." Feyrith said with a smug grin.

I looked at his smug grin with a straight face, holding in the temptation to slap it off. Did he really think that just by coming in here and smiling, he'd be able to win my heart?

"Why are you here, Feyrith?" I asked in a monotone voice.

Feyrith gave me a look of confusion, as he looked around. "I thought you knew princess. Your father invited me over so I could meet with you." Feyrith said matter of factly.

"Ah I see. So you came to meet the princess." I said as I clenched my fists behind my back.

It's always princess this, princess that. I hated when they called me princess, or didn't see me as anything else other then a princess.

Feyrtith's look of confusion deepened, as he continued to look at me. "I came to meet you. You are the princess, princess." Feyrith said a little confused.

"And I'm just the princess?" I asked him in a monotone voice.

Feyrith just stood there for a few seconds, processing my question. He looked around the room confused, as if looking for the answer. After a few seconds, he cleared his throat.

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