Allegiance 4

449 52 17

It was early in the morning, and Tessia had just finished getting dressed in her training attire. Wearing black contrast waist binding shorts, a dark gray relaxed fit sport tank top, a dark gray sports bra, and black sneakers, she was just about ready to begin her exercise for the morning. She grabbed a hair tie off the vanity in her room and tied her hair back into a ponytail.

She left her room and entered the living area of the suite she and her family stayed in at the floating castle. The living area was large and had a maximum occupancy of seventy-five people. It consisted of three couches with a coffee table between them, with a projection artifact embedded into the table pointed at the wall. A large rectangular table was set up in the dining area beside the large kitchen, which had a nice black stove and brown cabinetry. The floors were lined with light gray tile, and the walls were painted a pristine white.

There were four doors in the living area, with one leading to the hallway and three to Tessia's, Virion's, and Merial and Alduin's bedrooms. Tessia had become accustomed to this room as she had stayed in it before, from the past times she visited the floating castle. It had almost become a second home to her.

Tessia's gaze flicked to her parent's room, and thoughts about their conversation at dinner last night came to mind.



"A new Lance?" Tessia asked curiously, taking a bite of her chicken.

Tessia, Virion, Merial, and Alduin were sitting in their living area in the kitchen after the floating castle staff delivered their food.

Virion nodded, scrapping his fork against his plate and pushing the peas around, "Yes, that's what Blaine said. And," Virion's eyes flicked up and met Tessia's. "Blaine claimed this new Lance is a quadra elemental."

Tessia's brows raised in surprise and intrigue, "Really?"

"So he claims," Alduin chimed in, tapping his plate with his fork. "For all we know, Blaine could be talking out of his ass."

"That's true," Merial said while cutting into the chicken on her plate. "He also claimed this Lance became a white core under his own strength." Merial looked up from her plate, "I doubt Blaine was telling the truth."

"Well," Virion began, his eyes flicked to Tessia before looking back to Alduin and Merial. "We all know it's possible for a white core to emerge on their own."

"Plus, the way he was acting," Alduin said, narrowing his gaze on his plate, deep in thought about Blaine's demeanor at the council meeting. "He wouldn't have called the council meeting if there wasn't some validity behind his claim."

"If it is true, this causes a problem," Merial said, gesturing to Alduin. "If Blaine does acquire a third Lance, it will disrupt the balance of power. And I'm sure Blaine will use that to his advantage."

Alduin sighed, knowing Merial was right, and leaned back into his chair, "Perhaps we can persuade Blaine to have his new Lance remain neutral. Have it so this seventh Lance answers to the entire council, so the balance is maintained."

Virion scoffed at the idea of Blaine sharing power, "I highly doubt Blaine would go for that. You saw that arrogant smile of his. He was delighted to find a new white core and a quadra elemental at that." He gestured to Tessia, "Hell, he even boasted about how he was more skilled than Tessia." Virion lowered his hand and shook his head. "Blaine will never accept sharing power and making this Lance neutral."

"You also heard what Blaine said," Merial added, looking between Alduin and Merial. "This new Lance is loyal to Blaine and only swears to follow him."

Alduin nodded, sighed, and pinched the bridge of his nose, "If only we knew who this supposed new white core is. We could follow up on Blaine's allegations."

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