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Arthur Leywin POV

I looked around as the amethyst aether energy floated around me. I lifted my hands and held them in front of me, with a small gap between them, and I started to picture the aether coming together. The aether began to gather, taking shape. The aether before me glowed brightly with energy, taking the form of a flat disk.

The glow from the aether illuminated the gray octagon training room I was in. The room was empty, with smooth gray walls and an obsidian floor with an intricate amethyst design. The design was a double circle with runes in between. Inside the circle's center were the six runes of the primary edicts: vivum, aevum, spatium, destruction, alteration, and realmheart. Realmheart was our newest edict, derived from the Indrath clan of the Asura.

Deciding to change the construct before me, I waved my hands, reshaping the energy. The disk broke apart with the energy circulating each other. The energy reformed, taking the shape of an aether sword. I grasped the hilt of the sword and waved it in the air.

"Practicing your aether control?" I heard a familiar voice say.

I smiled happily, dismissed the blade, and turned around, seeing a familiar figure walk into the training room I was in. He was a tall, muscular male with medium-length black hair and gray eyes, and he looked to be in his early thirties. Despite being over two hundred years old, with the use of the vivum edict, we could control the age of our bodies.

He wore a black dobok with black shoes and a black calf-length coat which was also known as master robes. He had a pendant on the left side of his coat above his heart which had the symbol for a master in alteration. It was customary for masters to wear these robes. In contrast, the robes I wore had a white shirt instead of a black one. The pendant on my coat signified I was an expert in alteration, a step down from master.

In terms of ranking, it went from novice to advanced beginner, apprentice, expert, and master. In order to advance to the next level, you had to take a test to show your knowledge in the field you were studying. When you reached a certain point of your training in an edict, you were given a master of that field.

I was assigned to master Xyrus, who was renowned for his knowledge and abilities in the alteration edict, the ability to manipulate the matter of an object and change it into something else. Master Xyrus was well respected among the Djinn; I was lucky to have been assigned to him. Though, it was probably because I am the prince and air to the throne.

I clasped my hands together and formally bowed, "Master Xyrus."

"It's good to see you, Arthur," Xyrus chirped as he walked up to me and playfully ruffled my hair.

"Hey!" I said cheerfully as I stood up and took a step back.

I fixed my hair and looked up at Xyrus with a smile. Xyrus and I have become incredibly close as he trained me in my alteration rune. He was extremely kind and always looked out for me. He was almost like a second father.

Xyrus chuckled, "Are you ready for your test? To become a master?"

I took a breath, trying to calm my nerves. Today was the day I was supposed to take my final test. I'm supposed to demonstrate my capabilities in front of a group of master alteration users and the king, my father.

"Yeah, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous," I said with a shrug.

Xyrus chuckled as he stepped forward. He gave me a warm smile and placed his hands reassuringly on my shoulders. "Arthur," Xyrus began. "I've watched with pride as your knowledge and power in alteration has grown. Your use of the edict is greater than I previously imagined. You truly have nothing to worry about."

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