A Royal Heart 4

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Arthur Leywin POV

The warm rays from the afternoon sun overhead basked the area in a beautiful ambiance. The lush green grass stretched out beyond what the eyes could see, and the trees seemed to sparkle in the light. The river to my right shinned beautifully with clear water as it flowed freely with fish swimming inside it.

I looked to my left, and my gaze fell on Cecilia. Her eyes were wide in awe and excitement, with her mouth slightly agape and the corners of her smooth lips curved into a small smile. She had her hood down as the sunlight fell over her, and her gunmetal gray hair seemed to shine in the light. Her emerald pearls glimmered beautifully as they curiously studied the landscape before us.

I smiled slightly, and my face felt warm as I gazed upon her. My eyes flicked beside her, and I noticed her companion, Sarah, staring at me with a narrowed gaze. I quickly looked away, feeling slightly embarrassed that I was caught staring at Cecilia. I was a complete stranger to them. The last thing I needed them to think was that I was some womanizer who was just trying to get close to them because I thought Cecilia was pretty.

"Woah," I heard Cecilia breathe out, and I looked at her curiously. "This is amazing," She said in awe.

I chuckled, 'Cute.'

I gestured to the landscape before us with a smile, "Welcome to the Beast Glades."

Cecilia's eyes flicked to me, and she smiled excitedly, "I never thought it would be so peaceful."

I nodded and looked around, "The sounds of nature are truly serine. It's nice to get away from civilization once in a while."

"Like you care about nature," Sarah retorded with a scoff.

I looked at Sarah with a raised brow as she looked to the side. I noticed Cecilia giving her a narrowed-eyed scolding gaze before she shook her head.

"I find it peaceful and relaxing," I responded to her with a shrug, ignoring her rude tone. Sarah looked at me with an expression like she didn't believe me.

Cecilia looked behind us at the sound of metal clashing, and I followed her gaze. Four adventurers dressed casually stood around each other in the field, practicing their swordsmanship. Behind them were three large wooden buildings that stood side by side to each other.

"Oh, other adventurers," Cecilia stated. She looked at me curiously and pointed to the buildings, "Do you know what that place is?"

I chuckled and nodded, "It's an outpost in the Beast Glades. The building in the middle is the tavern, where they have a quest board. The building to the left is their stables, and the building to the right is for lodging, should you need a place to crash. It's mainly used for beginners."

"Why's that?" Cecilia asked.

"Because this place is mainly used for training and simple quests," I said matter-of-factly. "Because of the abundance of natural resources on the outskirts of the Beast Glades, it's mostly only the lower-rank beasts that inhabit this area. The deeper you traverse in the Beast Glades, the more mysterious and treacherous the landscape becomes. It's filled with the lairs of powerful beasts that have amassed their treasures and power in the solitudes of unexplored regions."

Cecilia nodded, "That makes sense. How deep into the Beast Glades is the dungeon we're going to?"

I smiled, "Let's see."

Cecilia looked at me curiously and confused until I lifted my right hand and took out a rolled-up scroll that was protected by a leather scroll holder out of my dimensional ring.

"Is that a Beast Glades map?" Cecilia asked.

I nodded, "It is indeed. It's always best to be prepared."

Cecilia smiled amusingly and took out a similar scroll out of her dimensional ring and held it up, "I agree. That's why I brought my own." She stored the scroll and shrugged playfully, "But I suppose we could use yours."

I chuckled and smiled. "I do humbly thank you for allowing me such an honor," I said dramatically.

The corners of Cecilia's lips rose slightly as we looked at each other for a brief moment. I pried my eyes away from her and looked down at the map as I opened it. My eyes flicked up to Cecilia as she walked over and stood beside me. She got close so our shoulders were touching and looked down at the map curiously, as my face felt a little warm.

Out of my peripherals, I could see her eyes flick to me and back to the map as her cheeks grew slightly red. I also noticed Sarah glaring daggers at me while I could feel Elijah tense up behind me from Cecilia being so close.

"What are all the markings on the map?" Cecilia asked curiously.

"Campsites," I responded. "They're places that I have found are good for staying the night."

"You're turning out to be quite resourceful," Cecilia teased with a smile.

"I try," I chuckled before gesturing to the map with my thumb. "This is where we are." I scanned the map with my eyes until I located the dungeon Sunken Depths. I tapped the dungeon with my thumb, "This is where we have to go."

"That's about in the middle of the Beast Glades," Cecilia said before she looked at me curiously. "How long do you think it'll take us to get there?"

I shrugged, "We should reach it by nightfall on horseback."

Cecilia's brows scrunched up in confusion, "But we don't have horses."

I rolled up the map and gestured to the outpost, "They have horses for rent at the stables."

Cecilia's brows raised, "Oh. I should've guessed that."

I chuckled, "Ah, that's why I'm here, remember? To show you the ropes."

Cecilia nodded slightly with a small smile, "Right."

"So tell you what. I'll go get us some horses, and I'll be right back," I said.

Cecilia looked surprised, "What? No, I can't have you pay for Sarah and me. That's expensive."

"Don't worry, I can cover it," I reassured.


"No arguments," I said with a smile, cutting her off. "I got it. Besides, a gentleman never lets a lady pay."

Cecilia sighed with a smile, "Fine. But I will pay you back."

I waved her concern away, "Really, don't worry about it. Now, I'll be right back."

Cecilia nodded, and I walked off toward the outpost. I heard the sound of footsteps behind me of someone following me, and their pace quickened. I looked to my side as Elijah caught up and walked beside me.

Elijah looked around, ensuring no one could hear us, "Arthur, I don't like this. Why are we taking these two on a quest with us? We know nothing about them."

"True," I nodded before I smiled. "But they don't know anything about us either. They're brand new adventures that need some guidance."

Elijah sighed, "Still. It's an unnecessary risk. If your parents learned that I let two unknown people tag along with us-"

I patted him on the back, cutting him off, "You need to relax a little. Stop being so tense. Besides, they're good company."

Elijah raised a brow, "Cecilia, maybe. But Sarah seems rude."

I shrugged, "She just needs time to warm up. Give her a bit."

"Still. Your parents-"

"Don't need to worry about it," I said, cutting Elijah off and looking at him seriously. "What they don't know won't hurt them. So don't say anything."

Elijah sighed, "As you say, my Prince."

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