Crime and Passion

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Tessia Eralith POV

The carriage I was in rocked back and forth as we traversed the path from Eidelholm, which borders the Beast Glades. I had just finished spending a week there after Dad wanted me to visit the Elven cities because I was eighteen now while he, my Mom, and Grandpa were away on council business. He explained that now that I was of age, I needed to put myself out there politically as a leader.

Though, I also knew it was because he wanted me to find a good suitor to have for a king. He would always say that as a Princess, I had duties to this kingdom, and finding someone to be with was one of those duties.

"You ok, Princess?" I heard a voice ask.

I looked toward the voice seeing the female individual sitting across from me. She was an elf like me, with dark brown hair and green eyes, who was wearing a guard's uniform. I recognized her as Lena, who was my personal guard assigned by my Dad.

"I'm fine," I responded before looking back out the window, seeing the several guards on horseback riding beside the carriage in a protective formation. "I was just thinking."

"Did you like your trip at least?" Lena asked curiously.

"Yes, it was nice," I lied, not taking my eyes away from the window.

In truth, I hated the trip to Eidelholm. All I did the entire time was uphold my 'duties' as the Elven princess. A title I wish I didn't have at times.

"You seem to have caught the eyes of some of the young male nobles," Lena teased. "They sure seemed sad when we left."

"Oh really," I said flatly, showing no interest at all as my eyes flicked to her. "I didn't even give them a second glance."

"So icy," Lena chuckled. "You know you'll have to find someone eventually."

I rolled my eyes, "You sound like my Father."

"King Alduin only has your best interests at heart," Lena said with a smile.

I scoffed, "My interests, or the Princess' interests."

Lena's smile faded, and she tilted he head slightly, looking at me curiously. "I'm afraid I don't understand."

"No," I said, looking back out the window. "I wouldn't imagine you would understand."

Lena continued to look at me curiously and looked like she was about to say something when there was a sudden explosion. Lena and I both grew wide-eyed, and I grasped the cushion I was sitting on as the shockwave from the explosion shook the carriage.

"Surround the carriage!"

"We're under attack!"

"Defensive formation!"

I heard all the guards outside yell.

"Princess!" Lena yelled urgently, and I looked at her with a widened gaze. "Stay in the carriage, and we'll protect you!"

Lena practically jumped out of her seat and swiftly moved out of the carriage, standing in a defensive perimeter around the carriage with the other guards. I looked at the guards in surprise before I narrowed my eyes, composing myself.

'Like hell, I'm not going to sit here and let others fight on my behalf.'

I opened the door to the carriage and stepped out, and proceeded to stand behind the guard's defensive circle. I quickly looked around, trying to get a quick assessment of the situation. My eyes fell onto several burning trees which had been knocked onto the roadway to block our path. I continued to look around, scanning the trees surrounding us, trying to see anyone, but I noticed no signs of our attackers.

Lena and a few other guards looked back at me over their shoulders and went wide-eyed. "Princess?!" Lena yelled, growing pale. "You shouldn't be out here! Get back inside the carriage!"

"No," I said. "I will not be some sitting duck while you fight on my behalf."


"No buts, end of discussion," I said, cutting Lena off.

"Lookie what we got here," A male voice called out from the tree line.

I, as well as the guards, all looked toward the voice. My eyes narrowed on a tall individual who walked out from the shadows, dressed in hooded black leather armor with a balaclava and a sword sheathed to his back.

He raised his right hand and gestured with his hand, and I grew wide-eyed. About three dozen individuals dressed in brown leather armor that was similar to the first male individual walked out from the tree line and stood behind him.

"It seems our information was right," The individual called out. "The Elven princess is here indeed."

"Shit," One of the guards called out. "It's the thieves guild."

There were three well-known guilds here in Dicathen: the adventurers guild, the assassins guild, and the thieves guild.

The adventures guild was renowned for going into the beast glades and clearing dungeons. They were said to be great and powerful warriors and mages. I would always hear about their accolades.

The thieves guild was known for their underground trade market and connections. They're mostly known for stealing and trading on the black market. They've been seen operating in Elenoir before and in Elshire forest.

The assassin's guild was the most notorious of the three. Their name says it all. If someone wants another person killed, and they're willing to pay, the assassins guild is the place to go. They would even risk killing a king if it paid well.

The fact that there were so many thieves guild members here in front of me right now surprised me. From what I've read about them, it's rare to see more than two of them at once.

"Attention, Princess," The male in the black armor called out. "I'm going to make this simple. Come with us quietly, and no one has to get hurt. However, oppose us, and you will have to watch as we kill every one of your men and drag you away. Your choice."

I opened my mouth to respond, but a guard shouted in my stead.

"Here's a counteroffer," The guard began. "Why don't you run away with your tail tucked between your legs like the animals you are, and you get to live another day."

The men in brown leather armor behind the one in black armor chuckled in amusement, and I saw some of my guards flinch a little.

The individual in the black armor grabbed his chin, "Well, that does sound like an interesting offer. However," He let go of his chin and raised his arm into the air. The brown-leathered armored individuals standing behind him all drew their weapons. "I'm afraid I'll have to decline."

He waved his arm down, "Kill them, and bring me the Princess."

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