A Promise To Keep 3

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The sun shone brightly upon the campus of Xyrus Academy, where the students walked around cheerfully, talking with one another and having a good time. Among the students was the student council, who stood within a circle, speaking to one another. Well, except for Tessia.

Tessia stood with the other student council members but didn't say anything, as she was lost in thought. Her eyes were downcast, locked on the grass beneath her, recalling the assembly that concluded not long ago.

Tessia couldn't get the vision out of her head, seeing Arthur lying on the bed, injured. Seeing the way he looked at her, that sadness in his eyes, yet affection toward her. How she spoke to him, and how she felt relief when he opened his eyes. All the emotions she felt made her think it was far more than just some imagination or a dream; it felt so real.

Tessia had planned to confront Arthur and talk to him, but she never got the chance. After he finished his speech, he walked off the stage and whispered something to Claire before he walked off. Tessia wanted to follow him but couldn't; she had to stay with the other student council members until the assembly was finished. Once the assembly ended, Tessia practically ran off the stage, asking Claire where Arthur had gone. When Claire told Tessia she didn't know, Tessia looked around for him, only to never find him.

Tessia thought she heard someone say her name, but she ignored it. She kept thinking about Arthur and about what possible reasons he could have for ignoring her. If he was ignoring her, that is. She thought it could be one big coincidence, him continually walking off. However, then she remembered the way he looked at her on the podium, that sadness in his eyes. The emotion she saw when he looked at her wasn't one a stranger held; there was a familiarity to it, something she couldn't place.


Tessia looked up, looking a little startled from being knocked out of her thoughts. Her eyes darted between Lilia, Jarrod, and Clive, who were all looking at her curiously.

Seeing all attention was on her, and she obviously missed something, Tessia cleared her throat and smiled, "I'm sorry, what were you saying?"

"We were talking about tomorrow," Clive said, raising the student council notebook in his hand. We're trying to schedule a meeting in the morning."

"Ah," Tessia nodded and pulled her notebook from her dimensional ring. She opened it, flipping through the pages, "Let's see here. It seems that my meeting tomorrow with Cynthia and-" her eyes narrowed, remembering she was meeting with Arthur as well tomorrow. If anything, that would give her some time to speak with him if she didn't see him later today. Composing herself, Tessia continued, "And Arthur. I'm meeting with both of them at six in the morning. So, we can meet at six-thirty, before school starts."

"Six thirty sounds good," Jarrod said, writing the time down in his notebook.

Lilia wrote the time down as well and looked at Tessia curiously, "Do you know what the three of you will be talking about?"

Tessia shook her head, "No." She closed her notebook, storing it inside her ring, thinking about tomorrow, and talking with Arthur. "But I'll let you know at our mee-"

A sudden explosion caught everyone by surprise, with the student council going wide-eyed. A series of yells caught their attention, and their heads whirled toward the noise.

"What was that?!" Jarrod said, sounding alarmed.

"No idea," Clive responded.

"Let's go check it out," Tessia said, wanting to make sure no one was hurt and started to walk toward the area.

The student council followed her, and their eyes fell on a large group of students massed together with what sounded like a commotion going on in the middle. Tessia slowly pushed students out of the way, slowly approaching the middle of the group; when she finally broke through the wall of students, her eyes fell on five students.

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