Light and Darkness 2

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Tessia's eyes had a mind of their own as they looked him up and down slowly and repeatedly. He was a head taller than her, and she could tell he was muscular despite him wearing a black suit, which consisted of plant pants, a black dress shirt, and a black blazer. He had long auburn hair that he had tied back, and his deep, beautiful, azure eyes complimented his sunkissed skin. Then there was his scent, oh his scent, that hit Tessia like a freight train. He smelled delectable, like cinnamon and vanilla. 

The man's smooth, sensuous lips curved into a smirk, his head tilting slightly to the side, seeing Tessia's mouth slightly agape and her eyes wandering. "At least we know your eyes work," The man said in that harmonious voice of his. Tessia's eyes shot to his, meeting his gaze, and her cheeks and the tips of her ears turned red as she blushed, knowing he had just caught her admiring his appearance. The man began to slowly approach her, and Tessia didn't move an inch, her eyes locked on his, as he said, "Does that voice of yours work as well?"

The man stopped, standing mere inches before her, and raised his hand to chest level. Tessia's eyes flicked to his hand, understanding the unspoken request. She couldn't explain it, that gravitational feeling she felt, something pushing her closer to him. She hadn't felt anything like it before.

Tessia placed her hand in his and watched as he slowly raised it and kissed the back of her hand. Tessia's blush deepened, a hot electrical wave shooting through her body, feeling his warm lips against her flawless skin.

The man lowered Tessia's hand from his lips, giving her that sensual smile, "What might your name be, darling?"

Tessia swallowed hard, seeing his deep eyes looking into hers, feeling his hand around hers as he gently rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb. "T-Tessia," She stuttered out, and she blushed harder, feeling like an idiot.

The man let out a low purr, his eyes looking her up and down, and Tessia shrank back a little, suddenly feeling naked before him. "Such a beautiful name," The man said in a low and content voice as his eyes slowly raised and met hers once more. "For such a beautiful lady."

Tessia's face felt like it was going to melt off as her blush deepened, and her breathing became staggered. She had never been given such a compliment before, especially since she hadn't interacted with many people before.

The man chuckled, seeing how flustered she was getting, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Tessia; I am Arthur."

Tessia stood there, almost stunned, and Arthur's smile widened slightly. Then she blinked, realizing Arthur was still holding her hand. She quickly pulled her hand back, earning a charming laugh from him that had her heart skipping a beat. 

Tessia clasped her wrists in front of her, clearing her throat, and gave a small smile, composing herself, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Arthur."

Arthur's eyes flicked to Tessia's lips, "What a beautiful smile." And there it was, another sentence that sent her composure out the window, and she was blushing like an idiot again. Arthur did a quick look around before looking into her eyes again, "Are you here with anyone?"

Tessia slowly shook her head, "N-No..." Tessia then began shaking her head quickly, composing herself again, and nodded, "I mean, yeah." Arthur's eyes narrowed slightly, and Tessia continued. "I'm with my friend Lilia." Tessia looked toward the crowd of dancing people, unable to locate her friend. "She's out dancing with her boyfriend or whoever he is."

Arthur's eyes relaxed, and he hummed, "I see. So she left you all alone, did she?"

"I told her to," Tessia began, looking back at Arthur. "I told her to have fun, and I would be alright." Her eyes flicked to the dark forest area, where she saw the two vampires run off. "It was just my luck to run into those two as soon as she left."

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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