Crime and Passion 7

487 39 13

Tessia Eralith POV

My eyes shot to him in confusion and surprise. He sat there casually, looking at the cup of water in his hand, and took a drink.

"What?" I said, not hiding my surprise.

He looked at me while twirling the cup of water in his hand, "Arthur. That's my name."

I looked him up and down curiously before I narrowed my gaze, "And why should I care what your name is?"

"You're the one who said you couldn't thank a nameless thief," He said amusingly. "Well, now you know my name. So I'll be waiting for that thank you."

"Well, I'm afraid you'll be waiting a long time, 'Arthur,'" I said, spitting out his name detestably.

His lips curved up, and he shrugged, "Well, lucky for you, you'll be with us for a while."

"I'm honored to be in the presence of such a renowned group," I said sarcastically.

He chuckled and took another sip of his water. I continued to stare at him as he looked at the water as it sloshed around inside the cup.

Questions continued to build up in my mind, and I knew I wouldn't get my answers from just sitting here in silence. I also knew he wouldn't tell me anything if I continued to be defensive. So, if I needed to place nice for a bit, so be it.

"So what's next?" I asked, taking a sip of my water.

His gaze flicked to me with a curious look, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, now that you have captured me, what will you do with me?" I asked.

The right corner of his lips curved up, "Scared of what we have planned?"

"As if," I snapped without thinking, gaining a small chuckle from him. I cleared my throat and sat back casually, "I would just like to know what fate I have in store for me." A shiver ran down my spine, with possible scenarios coming to mind. I narrowed my eyes, "Will you sell me into slavery?"

His smile faded, "The thieves guild doesn't deal in people."

I raised a brow, "Really? Because I've heard that you steal and trade in all merchandise."

"People aren't merchandise," He said in all seriousness. My brows raised in surprise at the conviction of his declaration. He took a sip of water, "So no, Princess. We won't be selling you into slavery."

"Then why kidnap me?" I asked. "To kill me?"

He looked at me amusingly, "If I wanted to kill you, you'd already be dead. Besides, we're the thieves guild, not the assassins guild."

I shook my head, "Then what? To hold me for ransom?"

"Close," He said and took another sip of his water. "The job was to kidnap and hold you until further instructions."

"Job?" I said, and my eyes narrowed. "So someone paid you to kidnap me?"

"Indeed," He said simply. "An odd request for sure, but," He smiled amusingly, "who would give up a chance to meet a princess."

I mentally scoffed but managed to keep my calm demeanor. "Who paid to have me kidnapped?"

He gestured to me, "Now that I won't tell you."

"You already told me some information. Why can't you tell me that?" I asked.

"I gave you vague information that can't be linked back to anyone specifically," He chuckled.

I narrowed my eyes, knowing he was right. But I did feel a little better knowing they weren't planning to sell me. Though, I wasn't sure if being held captive by the thieves guild was any better.

My eyes flicked to his hand as he hovered it over his cup and refilled it with water. I eyed him with some interest seeing him use his magic. Thoughts about him using all four elements came to mind, and I couldn't help but feel intrigued by his abilities.

His eyes flicked to me, "Need a refill?"

I looked at my cup, seeing it was still three-quarters full, "No."

I looked back at him, watching him take another sip of his water. He eyed his cup, twirling it in his hand before his gaze flicked to me.

He smirked, "You do seem to have a habit of staring."

I ignored his comment and looked at him curiously, "How are you a quadra elemental?"

His smirk faded, and he looked at me surprised, "Why do you ask?"

"Obviously, because it's unheard of," I said with some sass.

He raised a brow before he chuckled, "Ask me nicely, and maybe I'll tell you."

I rolled my eyes and looked to the side, ignoring them.

There was a brief moment of silence before I heard him speak, "I don't know."

My head snapped to him in surprise, seeing him look at me casually. "What?" I asked.

"I don't know," He repeated. "I've been able to use all four elements ever since I awakened when I was very young."

"How young?" I asked, with my interest growing.

His eyes flicked to the ground, then back to me, "Very. I was considered a prodigy where I grew up in Sapin."

I continued to look at him with curiosity, "I'm surprised news about you hasn't spread. I would've thought for sure the human King would've heard about you when you were younger."

For the first time of me being with him, anger crossed Arthur's face. His brows scrunched up, his lips pressed to a thin white line, his grip on his cup tightened, and his eyes flicked to the ground.

"Blaine," He spat. "Who's to say he didn't know?"

My brows raised in surprise, seeing his sudden change of demeanor. The room fell silent with awkwardness, and he sat there briefly before he cleared his throat, composing himself, and looked at me.

"It's getting late, Princess. Get some sleep. We have a long walk tomorrow," He said casually.

I looked at him curiously and just nodded. My gaze flicked to the open door, "You sure your men won't try anything?"

He followed my gaze, "They wouldn't dare. But if it makes you feel better, here." He waved his hand, and the ground at the door rose up, forming a makeshift door, and bars formed over the windows. "Now we're secured."

Though it also meant I was trapped in here with him, for some reason, it did bring me some comfort that we were secure. I looked back at Arthur as she shifted his body and laid down in his bedroll, placing his cup to the side.

"Now get some sleep," Arthur said and waved his hand.

The fire from the torch went out, covering me in a blanket of darkness. Knowing there was no point in staying awake since there was no way to escape, I placed my cup to the side and laid down in the bedroll. I closed my eyes, and my consciousness slowly drifted away as I fell asleep.

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