A walk in the park

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NSFW 18+

Tess and Arthur have been made older.
Takes places in Elenoir
Don't judge me...

3rd Person POV

Arthur and Tessia were sitting in the castle living room by the fireplace. The sun had just gone down, and they just put their daughter to bed. Tessia leaned her head against Arthur's shoulder, as they both smiled in bliss.

Neither Arthur nor Tessia thought they would be able to live in such happy times. The war had brought so much death and destruction. However, thanks to Arthur's fate rune, he was able to undo everything.

"You tired yet?" Arthur asked Tessia as he whispered warmly into her ear.

Tessia shook her head, as she looked up, smiling lovingly at her husband.

"No. Since we took that nap earlier, I'm not really tired." Tessia said with a shrug.

"Same here." Arthur said as he looked up. Arthur smiled as he looked through the window, and an idea came to mind. "Do you want to go for a walk? It's a beautiful night out." Arthur asked Tessia as he looked down to her.

Tessia smiled as she nodded. "I would like that." Tessia said.

Arthur and Tessia stood up from the couch, and start making their way to the castle doors. As they walk to the doors, a familiar voice caught their attention.

"Where are you two going at such a late hour?"

Tessia and Arthur turned towards the voice, and smiled as Virion walked up to them.

"Hey gramps, we were going to go for a walk through Zestier." Arthur said.

"We can't sleep. We napped earlier when Amberle was resting." Tessia said.

Virion nodded as he gave them both a warm smile. "Go ahead and enjoy your time together. Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on Amberle." Virion said.

"Thanks gramps."

"Thanks grandpa." Tessia and Arthur said as they left the castle.

Tessia hooked her arms around Arthur's left arm, and held him close. She leaned her head on his shoulder, as they enjoyed their walk.

It was a little chilly outside, but they kept each other warm by how close they were. They looked around and enjoyed the scenery, as the bioluminescence from the plants illuminated everything. As they walked, Arthur heard as Tessia began to giggle.

"What is it?" Arthur asked curiously.

"I was just remembering all those times we would run around out here as children." Tessia said with a warm smile.

Arthur chuckled as the memories flooded his mind. "You were quite the trouble maker growing up." Arthur said teasingly.

"You were always right there with me if I recall. Plus, some of those pranks we pulled were your ideas." Tessia said as she looked up at Arthur as he chuckled.

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