Love and Honor 6

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Arthur Leywin POV

This chapter is a little 18+

We exited the royal portal into the lush forest of Elshire. Beautiful trees with moss growing on the sides grew all around us. Soft green grass covered the ground, and the sound of water flowing from the nearby river could be heard along with the birds chirping.

I took in a deep breath, placing a warm smile on my face smelling the free air. The air tasted sweet out here. I felt the cool breeze, as the wind brushed over my face.

I looked over to princess Tessia, who stood a few feet in front of me. She had her hands extend out to her sides, as she twirled around while looking up. Her soft gunmetal gray hair lightly covered her face as she spun, with the bottom of her sundress spinning, showing off her slender thighs. She had a bright smile on her face, as she looked to be in absolute bliss. The sunlight reflected off her flawless skin, almost making it look like she was glowing. In other words, she was absolutely gorgeous.

I lost focus of my surroundings, as she had my undivided attention. I could feel my face become warm, as I gazed over her beauty. I had an overwhelming sensation, to just walk up to her, and place a deep kiss against her soft pink lips. But I held myself from doing so, I can't do that, I won't.

Princess Tessia stopped spinning, and was now facing me with her face up in the air, arms still extended. She took in a deep breath, as she slowly lowered her arms, and clasped her wrists together in front of her. She slowly looked down, as her gaze fell onto me. I could see her smile turn into a smirk, as her eyes traced me up and down.

"Do you have a fever Art? You look quite red." Princess Tessia said teasingly.

"N-no Princess. I am fine. T-thank you." I said stuttering a little, trying to regain my composure.

"Oh?" Princess Tessia said as she slowly approached me.

My eyes were locked onto her, as she slowly closed the distance between us, and walked up to me. She gently, placed her left hand on my chest over my armor, and began to walk around me to my left. Her hand traced over my armor, and my left arm as she walked around me.

I followed her with my eyes until she was out of my peripheral vision. A shiver ran down my spine having her so close to me, and feeling her touch over my armor. I felt as she made her way and stood behind me, and wrapped her arms around my waist, hugging me from behind.

"P-princess..." I said in a whisper, feeling her embrace.

"Perhaps it was me making you so red then. How did you think I looked, while you were watching me?" Princess Tessia whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

"I-I thought you looked g-good princess." I said breathing a little heavily, as I felt my self control waning.

Princess Tessia hummed a little, as she rubbed my chest with her hands. "Just good? Perhaps you would've preferred if I didn't have any clothes on." Princess Tessia whispered seductively, before I felt her blow into my ear.

I felt an immense shiver run down my spine, and what felt like my mental fortitude breaking. I quickly grabbed her hands that were rubbing my chest, and pulled them away. I spun around now facing princess Tessia, and placed my hands tightly around her waist.

I pushed us forward, with princess Tessia stumbling backward with her wide beautiful emerald eyes locked onto mine. I backed her into a tree, pinning her against it, earning a light gasp from her as she bit her bottom lip. My grip on her waist tightened, as I pressed our bodies against each other, and brought my face down to hers, to where our lips were brushing against each other.

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