Love and Honor

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Welcome to my new one shot.
A/U where Alacrya isn't evil
Tessia and Arthur are both 18
Arthur is Elven born

Arthur Leywin POV

For the past eight months I've been going through military basic training. I joined on my eighteenth birthday, deciding to follow my dads footsteps. I wanted to be assigned to the elven royal guard unit, which is the same unit my dad is in charge of. However, the problem was only the top ten graduates would be given the opportunity to join the royal guard.

I was already on good terms with the elven royal family. Thanks to my dad, I grew up being close with them. I ended up becoming really good friends with Tess. Although, now I should start calling her Princess Tessia. Though she was my close childhood friend, now I will be a soldier assigned to guard her family. That is, if I make the cut.

When I awoken at the age of eight, Gram- I mean Elder Virion took me in as his disciple. He trained Princess Tessia and I on how to purify our cores, mana manipulation, and even taught us sword skills.

With everything that I learned from training with Elder Virion and dad, I excelled here in basic training. I was confident that I made the top ten list, though, I wasn't one hundred percent sure.

As my basic training class stood there at the position of attention in the barracks, we heard the door open as our instructor walked in. I kept looking straight, until I saw him walk into view. I noticed he was wearing the common black and green leather military armor. The same armor we were wearing today for our graduation.

"Good morning." Instructor Hector yelled.

"Good morning sir!" We all yelled in tandem.

"Look at all of you. When you first came here, you were scrawny little spit fucks who were still sucking on their momma's titties. Now, I've been able to turn you into men. I'm proud to see you standing here today, and hope you all the best in your future endeavors. Soon, I will be posting your assignments. But first, I will assign the royal guard unit. As you know, only the top ten will be given the opportunity, now listen up!" Instructor Hector yelled, as he took out a clipboard from his dimensional ring.

I tensed a little, getting ready to hear the ones going to the royal guard unit. I wanted nothing more then to be on the list, and join the unit my dad was in charge of.

"Alright, I'll start with the number one, and work my way down. Jason Licht, number one." Instructor Hector's eyes narrowed, as he looked up to Jason. I felt my heart sink a little, as I was hoping for the number one title. "How the fuck did you beat Arthur?" Instructor Hector asked as he looked at me.

Instructor Hector looked back at his clipboard, and flipped the paper. I heard him give off a small chuckle.

"Writing. You beat him in the writing category by one point. Arthur you illiterate fuck." Instructor Hector laughed as he looked at me. He shook his head with a smirk, until he looked at Jason.

"Jason, royal guard. Yes or no." Instructor Hector yelled.

"Yes sir." Jason said with a smug smile.

I mentally rolled my eyes, since Jason and I didn't get along that well.

Instructor Hector nodded, as he wrote down on the clipboard. He then looked at me before his spoke. "Arthur, you're number two. Royal guard, yes or no?" He asked.

"Yes sir!" I yelled.

'Well I may not have been number one, but at least I'll get the unit I wanted.'

I continued to stand there as we were read the rest of the names. After the top ten were assigned, the rest of my class were given their assignments.

Shortly after our assignments were given out, we left the barracks, as we were told it was time for our graduation. We quickly got into formation, as we marched to the graduation field, while being led by instruction Hector.

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