Till The End Of Time 2

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A/N: Thank you to everyone who has been patiently waiting for my return. I will be back soon. Until then, please enjoy this one shot from my GreyxCecilia idea. The first part is a few chapters back. Enjoy.

Tessia Eralith POV

'Stealth. I need to be incredibly quiet right now. I can't let them find me.'

I quietly moved to the door frame and peeked my tiny head out, looking up and down the hallway. The hallway was pristine, with beautiful white walls and grey tiled flooring. The walls were decorated with paintings of stunning natural landscapes, and potted plants leaned against the walls.

I noticed the hallway was clear at the moment, and it was my best chance to move. Now it was time to utilize the skill I've been trying to master ever since I was born into this world seven months ago: crawl!

I quickly crawled into the hallway as fast as my tiny appendages would move, so not very fast. All I needed to do was to make sure to avoid the maids. I knew Mom, Dad, and Grandpa were all busy with politics at the moment, so the maids were supposed to be watching me. However, they made the mistake of leaving me unattended in the playroom, so I was able to sneak out.

When the maids weren't watching me, I was always under the supervision of my parents and grandpa. From what I've gathered from my time in this world, my parents are the king and queen of the kingdom I resided in, Elenoir, and my grandpa was the former king. I used to wonder where my grandma was until I learned from a conversation between my dad and grandpa that she had passed.

My mom, also known as Merial, was a beautiful woman with eyes that were round, shimmering a light blue hue, contrasting well with her lush pink lips and silky silver hair. She had a soothing voice, which I loved to hear, especially at night when she would tell me bedtime stories. I would always grumble when she ended the story and couldn't wait until the next day.

Dad, or Alduin, was tall, with a muscular body, usually clad in a loose, decorated robe. His emerald eyes were slanted upward, his lips were tense, and his expression, along with his typically short, military-style hair, always gave him a dignified but somewhat reserved appearance. Dad would sometimes sit me on his lap while he worked on his paperwork. I enjoyed watching him as it helped me learn about this world and how he was a just and firm king.

Grandpa, whose name is Virion, is an older man past his prime with all his facial features being sharp and always giving me a soft and loving gaze, but with others, he would glare at them with a look that could kill someone on contact. His hair is pure white and tied in the back, and his face is cleanly shaven.

And then there's me, who goes by Tessia Eralith now, or Tess for short. It took some getting used to being called Tessia instead of Cecilia, but I took it as a sign of moving on, being rid of my old world, Earth. After getting a glimpse of myself in a mirror, I was able to see my appearance.

I have gunmetal gray hair, which shines beautiful silver under the sunlight, and round, gleaming teal eyes set in a small pale face. I'm not one to usually take pride in one's appearance, but I had to admit that I had some good looks that were sure to attract some boys. Though, in all honesty, there was only one who I wish I could see and be with.

I continued down the hallway until I soon made it to a set of double doors that led to the library, which was luckily open. I peeked inside, seeing the incredibly large room that was filled with a vast amount of bookshelves and filled with books that had to number within the thousands.

After making sure the room was clear, I quietly made my way into the library and began to look around. My head was basically on a swivel as I quickly looked at the books all around me, trying to find something to teach me about this world. My eyes landed on an encyclopedia on the bottom shelf of a bookshelf, and I crawled toward it.

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