Love and Honor 4

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Arthur Leywin POV

"Ready kiddo?" Dad asked with a smug smile, as he stood across from me with his military style silver sword.

I smiled as I pulled my silver sword out of my dimensional ring. I got into a fighting stance, as I wrapped water around my blade.

I noticed just about everyone in the royal guard unit was watching us, as we stood in the training courtyard. It's been a few weeks since I joined the royal guard unit, and I didn't get that much time to spend with him.

However, it was near the end of the day, and he was doing a barracks check. I happened to be here since princess Tessia was back at the castle training with her grandfather, and I wasn't needed today. When I saw my dad, I was beyond happy, and we decided to have a spar for old times sake.

"Ready dad." I said with a smile.

"Begin!" Dad yelled.

I sliced my sword down, shooting an arc of water towards dad. Dad smiled as he swung his sword sideways, shooting off a powerful gust of wind towards me. The gust destroyed my water attack, as I waved my hand creating a water barrier around me. The gust slammed into my barrier, and broke it apart, pushing me back. I skidded to a halt, as I looked at my dad with a smug smile.

"Guess I should've expected nothing less from a high silver core." I said.

"You'll get there soon enough." Dad said smugly, as he took another fight stance.

I waved my sword in the air, creating four water blades. I shot the water blades towards my dad, who just created a wind cyclone around him. The water blades hit the cyclone, dissipating upon impact.

I was about to move forward, when four wind cyclones appeared around me, trapping me in a small area. I covered my eyes, at the onslaught of wind on my face. I quickly wrapped water around my body, and shot it outwards in a microburst in all directions, destroying the cyclones.

I looked back to where I last saw my dad, and my eyes went wide when I saw he was gone. I suddenly felt a blade against the back of my neck, and I let out a sigh.

"I guess I lose." I said as I turned around, putting my sword away.

My eyes fell on dad, who gave me a smug smile and a nod. "You did good kid." Dad said.

"Pfft. Seriously, I lost pretty quick. Plus, I didn't land a single strike." I said with a shrug.

"True, but not many can get past my defenses." Dad said with a smug smile.

"It's not called the perfect defense for nothing." I heard a voice say to the right.

Dad and I looked towards the voice, and I saw lieutenant Helen, my dads second in command, walking up to us.

"Good evening lieutenant." I said with a nod.

"Hello Arthur, it's good to see you." Helen said with a nod, before she looked at dad. "Captain, I have the reports ready for the day." Helen said.

"Good work, lets go take a look." Dad said before he looked at everyone. "Everyone is dismissed. Enjoy the rest of your night." Dad said before he looked at me. "Alright kiddo I gotta get going. You did good, and I'll see you later." Dad said as he ruffled my hair.

"Later dad." I said as he walked off.

After we walked off, I decided it was time to go get washed up. I walked back to my room, where I quickly got washed up. I walked out of the shower, and wrapped a towel around my waist. I brushed my hair out of my eyes, as I walked into my bedroom area.

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