Love and Honor 2

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Arthur Leywin POV

I woke up early in my barracks room, as I wanted to get in a physical training session in before I began my guard duties for the day. It's been a few days since I was assigned as princess Tessia's personal guard. Most of the time I just had to sit down next to her, since she mostly just liked to stay by herself.

There have been a few occasions where she has told me to stop calling her princess. I would just say that it would be inappropriate for me to call her anything else. She would just respond with a pout, saying she'll get me to say her name without a title again one day.

I left my barracks room, and walked out of the building out into the training courtyard. I saw several groups already doing their own group physical training. Since I wasn't assigned to a group, I was free to do my own training, which was a plus in my opinion.

I decided to have a quick training session, and stretched out for about fifteen minutes. Afterwords, I decided to run a quick circuit, which involved a quarter mile run, sit ups, burpees, and jumping jacks. After working out for about forty five minutes, I decided I had enough, as I had to begin my duties soon.

I made my way back into the barracks, and headed into my room. I quickly got undressed and took a shower, washing all of the sweat off of me. One I got washed up and dressed into my uniform, I stopped by the dining area in the barracks, and got a quick bite to eat.

"Well if it isn't the princess' favorite dog." I heard a familiar voice say, as I sat at a table.

I sighed as I took another bite of my bacon. "Nice to hear your pleasant voice again Jason." I said in an annoyed tone.

I looked up from the table, and watched as he approached me. I could see the jealous look in his eyes, as he's held a grudge against me ever since princess Tessia chose me as her personal guard.

"You know what I don't understand Arthur." Jason said as he took a seat across from me.

"Sorry Jason, if your dad didn't have the sex talk with you when you were younger, that's your problem." I said.

I heard several people burst into laughter, as they were looking in our direction.

Jason's face contorted into anger, as he stood up and slammed his hands on the table. "You think you're so funny, huh wise guy? How about we step outside, then we can see who's laughing then." Jason said angrily.

"Wow resorting to violence. I always took you as an ignoramus." I said.

Jason just scowled at me as he gritted his teeth. "Yet, I beat you in the writing category, remember." Jason said with a smug smile.

"Oh I remember. Don't you remember, Todd." I said as I looked at Todd, who was another soldier we graduated with.

Todd's eyes widened as they flicked to Jason, and he immediately turned away. I looked at Jason who looked at me a little concerned.

"I-I don't know what you're trying to insinuate...." Jason said as he voice trailed off.

I just gave a smile as I stood up. "I wonder what my dad would say, when he learned how you got such a high score. Integrity is one of our values, and I don't think he'll be happy to know you cheated on the test." I said.

"Shhhh! Please..." Jason said with pleading eyes.

I just shrugged. "Leave me alone and I'll forget all about it." I said as I picked up my plate, and walked it over to the dirty plate area and place it down. "You have a good day now Jason." I said to him as I left the dining area.

I quickly left the barracks, as I walked over to the castle. I saw two guards as they were standing at the front door, who both gave me a nod as I walked passed them, and entered the castle. As I entered, I noticed as maids walked around either cleaning, or tending to other matters.

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