A Warring Heart

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Tessia Eralith POV

The chill air around me clung to my skin as Syvlie flew through the air with me on her back. I looked ahead, seeing Aldir and Grandpa had stopped above the clouds, waiting for us to catch up. Sylvie and I caught up and flew beside them, and I noticed Grandpa was looking down with a severe expression.

"We're almost there," Grandpa said with a slight severity in his voice.

Aldir nodded before he turned to look at me, "I'm sure I don't need to tell you this, Princess, but I will anyway. No one knows how much the Vritra actually know, so it'd be wise to keep your true strength hidden during this meeting."

"Is that why you had me wear a seal?" I asked curiously, with a raised brow.

"Indeed," Aldir responded. "Being a quint elemental is unheard of. You were wise to hide your abilities before."

"What about Sylvie?" I asked, with my eyes flicking to her.

"Lady Sylvie will have to transform back into her miniature form. Then, I will carry you down," Aldir answered.

I could feel Sylvie grumble through our bond, 'I'll lay low for now, but I'm not going to stay hidden during the war. If I want to protect my mama, I will. I don't care what one eye says.'

I smiled and patted her on the back, 'I'll protect you too, my little dragon.' 

And I meant it too. I would die before I let anyone hurt my daughter. She may be a dragon, but she is and always will be my daughter.

"Little one," Grandpa said, gaining my attention. I looked at him, seeing him eyeing me with a concerned gaze. He briefly stared at me before letting out a sigh. "I know you're strong, stronger than me. However, that doesn't mean I won't worry about you. Just stay close to me."

I shot him a warm smile. I knew he was only concerned and not treating me like a glass sculpture. He has never treated me as such, not after the slave trader incident and learned of my beast will. "I will, Grandpa." I gave him a teasing smile, "And don't worry; I'll protect you."

Grandpa's serious and concerned expression faded, even if it was just for a second, giving a small smile and a slight chuckle.

"It's time," Aldir announced, and Grandpa's smile was gone. It pained me to see that smile fade, the smile I had always found loving a protective. I hated how the burden of this war was being placed on his shoulders, and I would do everything I could to help him.

Sylvie soon transformed into her fox form and perched herself on my shoulder. I began to freefall until Aldir dipped underneath me, wrapping us in the same aura covering Grandpa. Briefly, after Adlir caught us, we began to descend past the layer of clouds below us. The moisture from the air dampened our clothes, and we spotted the shimmering ocean gently rippling in all directions.

Despite the gorgeous view of the never-ending stretch of water, my gaze instantly shot to the dark specs littered across the ocean to my right. About a few dozen miles north, I could see the fleet of Alacryan ships heading toward the shore near Etisen city, the capital of Sapin. My eyes darted across the ships, barely noticing the large sails that blew in the wind. I knew Gideon had cursed and found himself responsible, knowing the Alacryans were using his creation for our demise.

'Mama, look below,' Sylvie said mentally.

I looked where Sylvie was mentally pointing, seeing a pitch-black platform floating below that was about the size of a house. My gaze was focused on the platform when I noticed we were slowly descending toward it. As we descended, I could make out two small figures that seemed to blend in with the platform, standing near its edge. 

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