A Promise To Keep

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Explosions erupted all around her. The very ground shook from the battle of the four entities before her. Explosions of black and gold and clashes of black and blue fire erupted all around her. The pressure from the mana being exerted was suffocating, and neither of the figures backed down from their fight to the death.

The world around her was blurry, but she could still make out the colorations of their magic, their silhouettes as they clashed together.

"Just go! Please!" A voice begged her.

Everything sped up around her as one of the figures grabbed her around her waist, pulling her close to their warm, muscular, shaking body. They propelled themselves into the air away from the battle. The sky darkened around them, and the next thing she knew, she was leaning over another figure whose leg was missing.

"Stay with me!" She yelled.

"If I had not acted in the way that I did, the vessel would have escaped."

Vessel. The word from the sinister voice shook the blurry world.

Suddenly, she found herself grabbing one of the four individual's hands, and a concerned wave washed over her, seeing the blood rushing out of their nose.

"A**," She couldn't hear herself say the name, "your nose..."

The sinister voice spoke again, "Your body is breaking down, isn't it, Lance?"

Her body shook unconsciously at the remark, and her grip on their hand tightened, "What? Is that true? How bad is it?"

The figure she held onto said something and shrugged her away, refusing to meet her eyes.

The figure looked over his shoulder; his words were muffled, but she could barely make out the plea of them asking another to take her away from there.

Her eyes flicked up, and she saw one of the blurry assailants talking to her. She was barely able to make out the last words of his sentence: "Whether he wins or loses this battle, he'll die."

She found herself standing before the figure who was fighting for her, seeing blood leaking from their eyes and nose. The blurry image cleared just slightly, and she swore she saw the most beautiful azure eyes she'd ever seen looking back at her.

Her lips quivered, "You always do this. You're always ready to give up your life to save me."

They said her name, and she placed her lips against his, a final goodbye, as she whispered, "You idiot."

She found herself walking toward the enemy, the figure who was desperately fighting for her yelling after her.

A light flared to life, a portal, and she found herself being sucked toward it and-

The carriage hit a bump, and Tessia jolted awake, her body shooting straight. The other three figures sitting in the carriage with her whipped their heads toward her, seeing her wake up suddenly.

The first figure, adorned in a royal dress, sitting inside the carriage was Merial Eralith, Queen of the Elves. Merial is a middle-aged woman with round green eyes and a shimmering light blue hue, which contrasts nicely with her lush pink lips. Her silver hair fell in curls down her back.

The second figure, adorned in royal robes, sitting inside the carriage was Alduin Eralith, King of the Elves. Alduin was a middle-aged man with a tall, muscular body wearing loose, noble elven apparel. His emerald eyes were slanted upward, and he had a military-style haircut.

The third figure, also adorned in royal robes, sitting inside the carriage was Virion Eralith, Elder and former King of the Elves. Virion was an older man past his prime, with sharp facial features, a long gray beard that grew out from his chin, and a gaze that could kill someone on contact.

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