80- Duties

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"So you did it because of Saira's sake," Aalifa questioned.

Deeply invested in knowing but their eyes were heavy, they could barely stay awake.


"Does she know? If she does, that must have evoked her feelings. I mean, I understand now why you did that to Zakir when you can kill your father then this is understandable..."

She asked too many questions roaming in her mind but Zaviyaar waved his hand to stop her.

"Leave that, we will continue it later. I am exhausted." He yawned, laying down on his side while covering himself with the duvet.

"Yeah, me too."

She followed the same gesture and went to sleep too.

For the upcoming days, they barely gained time to be with each other or stay awake at night to listen.

One day, Aalifa was lost in her worrisome thoughts until Erhan came and called her.



"Mama is calling you in her room," He smiled.

Everyone in the household was immensely gleeful by the merest thought of a little one coming. They showered Aalifa with all of their affection.

"Coming," She smiled back and went to see her.

"Yes, Mother?"

She entered and saw Saira who stood with a frown on her lips. She rolled her eyes and kept her scowl.

"Bless you, my child, may Allah eases your path,"

Forming her lips in a thin line, she came and bent slightly so she could place her hand over her head to bless her.

Smiling faintly, she stood beside Saira as she began to speak sternly.

"Aalifa. Saira. Both of you are the Lady of this Palace. Nevermind Aalifa, considering her condition, she needs rest so the authority of all servants will remain in your hands, Saira," She ordered, assigning jobs as the lady of the Palace to keep it in control and ensure everything should be done immaculately.

From donations to proficient workers, everything.

"Okay, I understand," They both nodded.

"But, since Ramadan is coming. I expect you two to at least share duties. Since Aalifa doesn't have to fast, she can take the work at Iftar and you at Suhoor."


"Saira, show her how we do things." Aarfa ordered.


She nodded, motioning to Aalifa to follow. Not thinking much about work, she went after her.

Saira kept a grimace on her face all the time while taking her to the kitchen and introducing to all the chefs and workers there.

"Erhan drinks water and juices mostly. Make sure it has the highest quantity, Asad loves sweets a lot. And porridge for Mother, she has difficulty in digesting fried food," She explained coldly.

"Erhan returns around afternoon and complains the whole day about his hunger. On the contrary, Asad remains fine, he has his studies and his work, so he returns just a few minutes before Iftar."

She continued, leaning against the counter, Aalifa yawned in boredom. She was never used to such responsibilities, doing things for Zaviyaar was from the heart... never an obligation to her.

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