22- Heart Of The Home

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Ah, Fragile emotions... They never failed to provide me with the uttermost entertainment.

It was so much fun to use a person's sensitive spot against them, forcing their perception to shatter and to think how 'I' wanted them to think.

Make a few deep talks and there you go, hold the person in your palm and that wait would be worth it because she had no idea how in-depthly I had begun to desire her.

I want that woman to give up herself to me completely and for it, I would do 'anything'.

The next day, I was about to leave for my work but she stopped me, "Zaviyaar, listen."

"What is it?" I hummed, wearing my coat and combing my hair as she was about to take a seat to watch me get ready.

Which instantly reminded me of Saira, "Aalifa. Get me my phone." I ordered, trying to not show her my discontent.

'The last thing I wanted her to do was to do anything Saira does.'

"Can I talk to Papa? Is he angry with me?" She asked sweetly, giving me my phone, coming to the front to lean against the dressing table, blocking my view.

"Aalifa, I.. uh, I told him a fake story. He saw the news and was disheartened. He almost hated you but I told him that you are with me and convinced him so before him, you have like we are an actual couple, not... this affair. Okay?" I sighed, giving her the context as she had no idea how easy it was to convince her heartbroken Father.

"Okay, I understand. And thank you. I'd be so depressed if he hated me again.. I don't want to lose my family." She whispered.

"You won't lose anyone anymore. I assure you of that." I murmured, cupping her cheek.

"Promise me that you won't hurt the people I love no matter what, Zaviyaar."

"I promise. Happy?" I lied.


"Let me call your Father."

She grinned, the gaiety on her face made my sensations hum in thrill. She was so easy to please, so innocent that I wanted to capture her away from any harm possible in this world.

Locked only with me.

"Hello, Sir, yes, I am fine. Our Noor-e-Jaan is also good. She wanted to talk to you. Yeah, sure. Aalifa, here you go."

I put the phone on speaker, letting her talk to her Father. If that would bring her closer to me, she won't be able to deny me anymore.

"Hello, Papa? How are you?"

"I am fine. Aalifa, my love, are you okay? Are you happy?"

She paused at his question. I knitted my brows, closing the gap and bending forward to capture her body with mine. She blushed, flaring my impulses and nodded.

"Yes, I am. You are not angry, are you?" I smirked, pleased with her reply.

"After knowing you are okay, I am relieved. I saw the news about you and it infuriated me so much but I am glad Zaviyaar is with you."

It almost made me chuckle. I didn't start the news but it worked in my favor. It made her believe that-

'Look, this world abandoned you but I accepted you.' And it worked.

"Of course, I would protect her. Your precious is my treasure, after all." I faked a laugh, pulling away from her slowly.

"Yeah, he was asking if I wanted to put them down or not if it distressed me. I told him it was fine." She added.

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