16- Sleeping Peacefully?

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My head was throbbing due to disturbing thoughts. Rubbing my temples, I was at home, hoping to fall asleep peacefully but to no avail.

My jaw clenched, an untold, unwanted rage took over me as that one memory from eight years ago was repeated in my mind.

...Her breaths hitched, she shut her eyes in disgust when I moved her wrist towards me. I did nothing, just held her wrist, softly.

Eyes closed, trembling, frightened. Exactly the same as Aalifa's.

"Zaviyaar? W-what are you doing?"

She looked at me as if I committed a 'sin'.

How could one moment be exactly the same?

"Dammit..." Growling, I opened my eyes and saw Saira sitting on the bed, using her phone.

"Saira." I called her coldly.

"Yes?" Her eyes were affixed on the phone.

I offered her my hand, putting it in the air for the next five seconds but she didn't take it. Putting her phone down, she looked at my hand and then back at me.

"Is everything okay, Zaviyaar?" She asked with a nervous chuckle.

"It will not kill you if you hold your husband's hand." I told her dominantly.

Her gentle smile faded, looking away, she put her phone aside and laid down with a mumble, "Sorry."

Yet she didn't take it.

Curling my hand in a fist, my jaw clenched as I went to sleep. Not wanting to smear my mood by talking to her because I knew in the end, she would only disappoint me.

'How the fuck my mother expected me to fix this dry as a desert marriage?'

Nonetheless, ignoring my list of complaints as they never mattered just like my consent to my marriage, I went to work to divert my mind.

"How long do you intend to stay in India, Erhan?" I asked my youngest Brother over the phone.

We were three brothers. I was the eldest, then Asad and Erhan with two years gap. I was 28, Asad 26 and Erhan 24. We were in perfect sync to the point our birthdays were in the same months.

All results of January.

"Then why did you send Mehmal to that motherfucker Sufiyan in the first place?" He complained. I no longer remembered how many times he repeated those words.

"You do realize how much trouble you could get in by calling his woman, in his domain? Sufiyan is known as Nathaniel's competitor for naught. He would devour you, idiot. Come back." I scolded him, done with his demands. He was obviously the most loved one so I couldn't say no to him.

"I don't care what they say about him. I am not coming back." He enunciated sternly.

"Fine then. Die there." Growling, I cut the call, done with him.

He did not realize the fatality. I couldn't do anything to save him. That asshole Sufiyan held India, for years, I was incapable of invading that place. Heck not even me, higher aces than me couldn't do it.

And that mister jumped right into that devil's den.

Among the five mafia aces, Sufiyan was third and I was fourth which I always resented.

One day, I would surpass that motherfucker even if that was the last thing I would do.

"He would put himself in upheavals if it continued, Hashir. Sufiyan is silent because of me and Mother but if he did something extreme, he won't show mercy." I groaned, rubbing my temples in frustration.

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