19- Taking Hand

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Only if Asim hadn't tried to reveal his true face, he didn't have to die. If he hadn't done it, I wouldn't have known what a monster he is too. If he had just mind his own business, we'd be married and I won't be here as fucking toy!

I wouldn't be disgraced again, my character wouldn't be ruined again. I won't be depressed, I won't be caged.

Only if he minded his own business...

"Ya Allah, please save me." Whispering desperately, I was on the ground still in that fancy dress while hugging my knees close to my chest.

Dried tears on my cheek, a scar emerged on my chest, taking my will to live once again as I wondered how many times I was going to be tested.

The door knocked and Akram entered, "...Boss is calling you for dinner." He said softly and left.

I didn't argue, I didn't fight. He was right, where was I supposed to run? To the world which would place accusations on me again?

Why should I return to my world when it has done nothing but hurt me?

"Oh, you came quietly? I thought you would throw a tantrum first." He smirked, teasing me but I showed no reaction.

I glanced at the table, it seemed like he asked Akram what I liked and ordered all of that. Was it to... lift my mood?

"What good it might cause me?" I mumbled, the tone of my resonance dying.

"Good choice." He hummed as he served me food.

"Listen..." Twirling my food around it, I didn't feel hungry.


"Did Asim truly... Give me to you?"

My heart refused to believe that Asim would do that. He loved me a lot, he would never trade my soul.

"Not exactly but he told me to do whatever I want with you just not kill you and here I am." He explained nonchalantly, eating his food.

"You should have killed me along with him and end this loop of misery for me." I smiled dryly, took a bite and it took a lot of effort to swallow it.

He stopped, putting his fork down and returning me a serious but sincere look.

"I believe I was once your ideal who saved you unknowingly. No way I would let it happen again."

My eyes widened in disbelief, "Then what you said to Asim-"

"I lied. He got scared and said those things mindlessly. That is why you should always think straight, especially in stress." He sighed, leaning back on his seat.

I only blinked, unsure how to react. Asim did all this over a lie and he... Swallowing hard in anticipation, resenting the destiny which left me at the point where I had to become a mistress.

"What... What are you going to do with me?" I asked worriedly.

He noticed the hesitation in my tone, the fright and idea of what I was supposed to do.

"I haven't decided yet. Make me happy, however you could, not necessarily have to get laid. I am easy to please." He said nonchalantly.

He had no idea what destruction I was going through, how excruciating this was all for me. Living was becoming harsh by each passing second.

Failing to take these trails anymore, I broke into a sob. The cutlery in my hand fell and I ended up crying, bursting into tears.

"I.. I... want to die..."

He got up quickly when I started crying from depression, sobbing, hiccupping while covering my eyes like a kid. Expressing my grief through my wails, resting my elbows on the table, I covered my eyes.

"That is not how I imagined my life, that is not what I wanted... hidden from the world, living as a pathetic mistress... I don't want it..." I continued to cry as the sound of it echoed in his lounge.

And I had no idea why, or by which bind or feelings, he held my shoulders and turned me to him desperately.

"I won't let you die. Fuck Asim, 'I' don't want you to die." He growled, shaking my shoulder to break my pace of misery.

"Why? Who am I to you?" I cried and was about to push him but he pulled me into a hug, staggering me.

"You wouldn't understand." Whispering angrily, he kept holding me tightly. My body was frozen at the unexpected embrace.

My heart began to race abnormally at the contact as he kissed the top of my head. Keeping me so close to his heart that I could hear his heart pounding too.

"Shh. Don't cry. I don't want to hurt you too. Do you think I like scaring you? No, I don't. I don't want you to be like this too. I never meant to do any of this to you." He whispered, pulling away gradually.

I became too stunned, looking at him with incredulity as he wiped my tears with his knuckles, fusing his eyes with mine intensely.

My voice locked around my throat, trembling at the display of affection that when this world abandoned me...

He was standing here.

"I never held any bad intentions towards you, I know circumstances were strict but I had no choice either. I won't hurt you willingly, Aalifa, believe me." He continued and I was only trapped in fathomless thoughts.

Back at Asim's death, he kept my name hidden. He could have brought it to the surface, it wouldn't bother him but he didn't let them.

But, how many mouths could he shut? I became notorious, again.

"Just do as I want and you will live deliciously, Aalifa. I won't hurt you, I will treasure you, I will protect you. I will respect you. I promise I will." He whispered gently, making me sit, tugging my hair behind my ear, caressing me tenderly.


"Yes, Darling. Trust me, I don't want to cause you any harm. I would keep you like a delicate doll if you allow me. Give me a chance to show you, Darling, please." He nodded, pulling his chair so he could sit beside me, trying his best to convince me.

"A-And your wife?" I asked timidly, looking down in shame.

"You don't have to worry about her. Focus on me and I will ensure you will forget all the pain this world has given you." He continued temptingly, his words almost made my mind dizzy. It was so controlling that I found it so hard to deny.

"Take my hand and everything would be alright. Trust me, it will be. All your pain will vanish." He spoke so melodiously that I was flabbergasted with unmanageable heartbeats.

My mind went blank. I stared at him and at his hand, repeating it like a loop, chest heaving constant sighs. I was confused, not sure but what did I have honestly?

I couldn't possibly dance anymore, I no longer had a home, my father left me too. I had nothing, no one. When I had nothing left then why make life more difficult right?

"Trust me, Aalifa. I won't hurt you anymore, I will cherish you. Allow me." His voice went lower, huskier, piercing my heart and I was not me anymore.

So blindly, I took his hand in mine.

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