52- No Chances

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After a devilishly long time, my heart was compelled to return home or else I only came obligatory to meet Mother. Today, I wanted to come, to see what Aalifa must be doing.

That mere thought brought a smile on my lips.

"Didn't you see this delighted to return home." Hashir pointed out with a smirk, teasing me.

"Today I am not returning because I am exhausted and need rest. Today I am coming home because my heart wants to." I replied honestly, leaning back on my seat, placing my hand over my heart.

'I don't care what plans you have but if that would permit me to live in this beautiful lie then continue whatever you want.' I thought, reaching and went inside hastily.

The second I entered, I saw her, she was wiping the dust from the table and it pricked me to watch her doing work.

The second I reached her proximity, I was forced to stare at the woman I can rightfully call mine in mesmerization, stopping before her, I began watching her work.

She glanced at me and tried to go back to her work but couldn't and grew tired of my stare, admiring her.

"Do you need something, Sir?" She spoke coldly with a frown.

"What I need is before my eyes, I don't need anything else." I whispered, watching how a strand fell on her face from her low, messy bun, enhancing her grace.

She stopped for a second, putting the cloth down and folded her arms at her chest.

"Leave and let me do my work." She demanded seriously.

"You agreed to take care of Mother and not this work." I replied in the same tone, taking a step closer.

"For now I am a helper. It won't be long. I used to take care of my apartment too. It's alright." Shrugging her shoulders, not thinking deeply about it, she grabbed the cloth again.

"You were not mine back then but now when you are how could I allow these soft hands to work? Don't." I whispered sincerely, not preferring her work needlessly.

"If you think these words would work then you are wrong. Go away." She glared at me.

"Is that how you speak to your Sir?" I smirked playfully but she was not realizing how I returned just to get some moments with her which she was not granting me.

"You are gaining attention. Leave and let me do my work." She rolled her eyes, turning back to her work.


I opened my mouth to speak but then Saira came, ravaging the scant moment I gained. Curling my hand in a fist, I turned to her.


"Salam, Saira. How are you?" I asked coldly.

"Fine. What are you doing?" She asked, glancing at Aalifa who looked down and went back to work.

"Asking about Mother's day. Where is she?" I asked Aalifa.

"In her room."

With a nod, I went to see Mother, receiving no other moments to share with her, ruining my mood gradually.

I wanted to see her, the whole reason why I came home early that week was to catch a glimpse of her but she was nowhere to be found.

At least in the farmhouse she was near me. Here, I rarely got the chance to see her and it was frustrating me.

Another day, I decided to come home early, hoping to find her. I got the chance to see her but she was with Saira, explaining Mother's day.

Saira stopped and arched an eyebrow at me, "Zaviyaar? You are early today."

"Hmm. I finished my work early. Where is Mother?" Not paying attention to her, I turned to Aalifa.

"In the library." She replied in a dead tone.

Please, look at me.

"Bring me a cup of tea. I am with Mother." I ordered, willing to do anything to get a moment with her.

"Okay, Sir."

And that 'Sir' was enraging me at this point. I needed to hear my name but it was nowhere near on those lips.

Saira also left, minding her own business as I was staying outside the library, waiting for Aalifa to come. A grimace lingering on my lips, with my hands in my pockets, I was tapping my foot until my eyes fell on her bewitching features.

"What are you doing outside?" She asked in confusion.

"Would you not call me Sir?" I frowned, stopping before her, not caring if anyone was seeing or not.

"Why not? I used to call you Sir before too."

"But, I don't want to hear it anymore. Don't call me at all or at least when necessary. I hate how it sounds, Aalifa." I whined, shaking my head in denial as it was highly unwanted on my side.


Not thinking about my words, she shrugged her shoulders monotonously as we went inside the room. I greeted Mother and took a seat.

She served tea and left as I couldn't get the chance to stare at her properly. After meeting Mother, I went to my room, freshened up and paced around, holding my sides in annoyance.

"Dammit. What should I do?"

Muttering from the brimming frustration, I waited until dinner time and my prayers were listened to briefly because the second I took a bite of my food, I recognized this taste.

"Who cooked dinner?" I asked quickly, acting nonchalantly.

"The new girl Aalifa. She made the rice. Is there any problem?"

My brothers arched an eyebrow playfully at me. I hummed in response and continued to eat peacefully until they decided to test me.

"It's really good, isn't it, Erhan?" Asad added, smirking at Erhan.

"Hmm, Asad. She cooks deliciously." He nodded.

"What do you think, Zaviyaar?" Asad asked, turning to me with a mischievous look.

"Why don't you shift her duty to dinner too?" Erhan added, pushing me to the edge.

"We have cooks already, boys. One of them fell ill today. That is why she offered her help but if you liked her this much. Why not?" Saira chuckled nervously at their insistence, knowing how much I adore anything she made for me.

I wanted her to do that too but the amount of food she had to make for everyone was high and I didn't want to burden her with unasked for responsibilities so I cut them off dominantly.

"There is no need. She is here for Mother and should place all her attention on her."

"Aw. Too bad."

"What's with you?" Saira laughed a little, confused at the two devils smirking at each other and I could feel Mother was silently observing everything.

After dinner, I couldn't convince myself. The more time my heart required to share with her, the less time I obtained. Busy the whole day and eyes upon me all night.

Tonight, I thought I was alone and was about to go and see her but Saira came, ruining the bare chance I got.

"What are you doing here, Zaviyaar?"

Curling my hands in a fist, I remained patient, took out my cigar and responded coldly, "Nothing. You go to the room."

She sighed at my cigar and left without questioning. It was midnight and Aalifa must be tired, I didn't want to disturb her too.

Lighting up my cigar, I took a long inhale from it and stayed outside for the time being to empty my mind before returning to my room and now these steps felt heavy when I entered.

Glancing at the bed, I no longer wanted to sleep there. Saira was already sleeping as my eyes fell on the couch in the corner, bringing a dry smirk on my face.

"Hmph. Welcome back." I whispered to myself, not believing where my life threw me.

Been years but today, I willingly laid down there, covering my face with my hands and went into a deep slumber while wondering how I could meet my Noor-e-Jaan alone.  

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