11- Home's Home

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After lying smoothly to keep her lips sealed for a while so she won't throw a tantrum, I walked out of the room.

I won't deny, I didn't ensnared her to torture her or to break her. I kept her for myself, my euphoria. And for that, If I had to lie then I would.

Taking a deep breath, I closed the door and went downstairs where Hashir and Akram were waiting for me.

"I have told her who I am, she is petrified. That would keep her quiet for a while." I informed Akram who held a grimace on his face.

After Hashir, I trusted him the most, not his men though. I saw the way those bastards looked at her.

"Still not allowed to do anything?" Akram groaned in frustration.

"Come on, Akram, can't you five guys handle one woman?" I chuckled darkly, teasing him.

"Boss, you know them, you want her untouched and they all are motherfuckers. Only I have to keep an eye out. They are useless unless you-"

"No. No one would come near her." I warned, becoming serious abruptly.

"I trust you, Akram, because you have two teenage daughters yourself. Only you will take care of her. I don't want any of them near her. Understood?" I ordered strictly.

He was the only person I could trust in a matter of a woman. Not even Hashir, he would have killed her already if I had assigned him.

"Yes, Sir."

"Vex not. I will shift her to the farmhouse soon. I need to prepare my room first." I sighed, motioning to Akram to relax.

"You will keep her in your room?" Hashir interrupted quickly, taken aback to hear that.

"So?" Shrugging my shoulders, I didn't think deeply about it and walked away.

"Where are you going, Sir?" Akram asked.

"Where else? Home. I am exhausted. I need a break. Handle everything in my absence." I sighed.

"Yes, Boss."

After instructing Akram and assigning some work to Hashir, I returned to my palace to attain some solace as I was working too hard these days.

I finally went home after a while. It was our ancestral palace, a place which was supposed to be cursed because for decades this place hadn't heard a ring of happiness. 

Still, home's home...

Rubbing my temples, I entered as all the helpers stopped, greeting me quietly, not daring to raise their heads when I came.

"Welcome Home, Sir."

"Where is Mother?" I asked our head maid, Anna.

"She is praying in the library."

"I see."

Humming and as per my habit, I went to greet my mother first. She was the heart of our family, the one who had kept us all together and I made it my duty to check up on her constantly due to her failing health.

I knocked and entered our library. She just finished her prayer, bringing a peaceful smile to my face.

"Salam, Mother."

Greeting her, I came closer, bowing to let her pat my head. Her face glowed when she saw me and ruffled my hair.

"Salam, My dearest son. May all happiness and blessings fall in your fate and give you endless smiles." She grinned, kissing the top of my head. Ah, her and her prayers.

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