77- Mismatched Proposal

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Ending in a sigh, I told Aalifa about the initiation of how the urge to call her ‘Darling’ and being manipulative evoked in me but that turned out it was in my bloodline.

My brothers were no less than me.

“So what happened to them?” She asked with intrigue, never been known to the ancient conditions of the dark side. It sounded like a fantasy to her.

I laughed dryly, “They died horribly.”

Her excitement faded in a split second as I continued.

“Their whole family was massacred but the son and the baby daughter survived.”

“Are they still alive?” She asked worriedly. 

“Aalifa, do you remember the green eyed guy at the anniversary? The one who was teasing us?” I asked, opening another packet of chips. 

“Mhm, that scary man.”

“He is Nathaniel Alroy, the son of Silas Alroy, of the queen of the world. The current ace… Plague Doctor.” 

She choked on her bite, jaw dropped at their slightest imagination of it. 

That was why I didn’t tell her before about it.

“You are telling me that now that the biggest criminal of the underworld stood next to me?!” She whisper-yelled, falling into a daze.

“I am fourth too,” I smirked at her reaction.

“But him… I had heard he once burned down an innocent local town just because they refused to work with him, is that true?” She asked innocently, having no idea how much worse people like us could possibly go.


Before that could terrorize her, I cleared my throat, snapping my fingers to get her attention and continued.

“Anyways, moving on, I admired Silas Alroy a lot. I wanted to be like him. Changing personality in a second. Dangerous and sweet.”

Lowering my gaze, I finally came to the main starting point on how I reached this point.

“But as years passed by, after their deaths, the underworld went into shambles, things got bloodied, messier so I had to become my father's support whether I liked it or not.”

Sighing, I placed my head on her lap and started telling.

“And when I turned eighteen… Sufiyan's Father, Ahmed Eitzaz ruined everything,” 

*** THIRD POV ***


Things went horrible for the underworld, power was ruling, there was no boundary where one greed could extend and amid this mess, once a pillar of Valencia, Jafar Sheikh was about to be obliterated.

“Damn that Ahmed. I swear, Aarfa, if he wasn’t your brother-in-law, I would have murdered that bastard!” Jafar yelled, running his hand through his hair while pacing around the golden room in frustration.

“What is my fault in that, Jafar? Your problems with him are not my concern. I only care for my late sister’s only child, Sufiyan.” Aarfa muttered, folding her arms at her chest.

“He killed Sheikh Hassan all because he refused to go under him. Now Zakir is on my neck on why I didn’t stop him.” He growled, being stuck in this mess.

“After this incident, I doubt I could work with Ahmed anymore, we must separate our paths. I need to look for work too, I need funding. Ahmed's power is spreading and here we are…”

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