51- Ruby Palace

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At night, I was in our room, braiding my hair before going to bed, humming to myself nonchalantly until he came out of the bathroom after changing his clothes.

His confused eyes scanned me, failing to grasp what must be going through my mind and asked vaguely.

"What are you trying to do?"


Not changing my expressions, I continued to hum, shifting my upper body to him when he sat beside me on the couch, taking my hair and began to braid them.

"You. Who wants to avoid me, resents me, would never forgive me, now wants to declare that you are my wife."

Knitting his eyebrows, he closed our gap. His intense eyes observing me closely. His breath reached my ears, making my body tremble unwillingly.

"What exactly are your intentions, Noor-e-Jaan?" He whispered temptingly in my ears, resting my braid on my other shoulder.

"Aren't you the master manipulator? Why don't you tell me what I am thinking?" I smirked, challenging him, wanting to see how far his thoughts could extend.

"I have many thoughts. Let's see which one of them is right. But, whatever it is, I am delighted that you are mine." He smirked back.

I won't be for too long.

"Don't keep yourself in that delusion. I feel nothing for you."

"I am ready to accept your nothing too."

He exhaled, curling his lips upwards, attempting to close the mere gap but I didn't allow him.

"Same trick won't work twice, Darling."

Pushing my hair behind my back, my hair grazed his face before resting on my back. He closed his eyes, wallowing in my action with a feeble smile when I rose from the seat.

His fingers grazed his cheeks, where my hairs touched as I failed to apprehend the endearment that shone on his handsome face.

It was not that intimidating or manipulative glimpse.

The way his eyes had begun to stare intensely at me ever since I came back was questionable but never again I would believe in a liar.

"Let's see what you have in store for me."

He breathed out after a prolonged silence.

Ignoring his words, I laid on my side to relax and went to sleep as life for me was going to become tougher in the upcoming days.

The next day, as we discussed, they took me to their palace. I had seen pictures of it online but I never fathomed it would be gigantic than what I perceived.

My eyes widened at the castle before me but that alarming palace couldn't falter my resolve. My heart was thumping but I won't back away now.

Keeping my posture, I was behind them the three Sheikh Brothers, looking highly dominant and scary in their domain.

They were aristocrats after all as I could imagine if I wouldn't be their brother's doll, they would have dissipated me from this world.

Just when I was immersed in my thoughts, inspecting the scary place, Saira's worried tone came and I thought Zaviyaar was lying or exaggerating but she truly pretended he didn't exist and went to Asad and Erhan.

"There you are, Boys! Where were you for the past week!? Hashir told me you went traveling since you did bother to!" She scolded them and then bothered to glance at her husband.

"Salam." She said coldly to Zaviyaar who was using his phone nonchalantly with no expression.


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