28- The Troublemaking Duo

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Shaking my head, I prepared the food, Akram would deal with his problem himself. I served the food as I had to eat it with them unwillingly. I didn't feel cozy around them, they were sending an alarming sensation.

I was about to ask how it was but the Ruben guy spoke up, praising it sincerely, "Woah, it's amazing, Aalifa."

"No doubt."

"Thank you." I smiled feebly, eating slowly, glancing at the duo from time to time.

"Have I seen her?" Ruben asked, checking me from time to time.

"Yes, you have." Asad replied calmly.


"Hey, that girl whose dance I showed you and you were head over heels about." He recalled.

Ruben's jaw dropped, scanning me completely and I wouldn't blame him, "She is her? She was so well dressed and attractive in the video. She looks so... ordinary now. Where is that look now?"

Did he expect me to walk around with those heavy clothes and jewelry?

"She is not what she shows online I guess just like Zaviyaar, a fake image but working in the underworld from behind." Asad hummed nonchalantly.

I remained silent, only indulging in the food. But, I couldn't help it, my attention on their talk.

"Well she is Zaviyaar's choice so obviously she can be anything but ordinary. She must have something."

"Let's see."

And then Asad smirked, darkly, locking his eyes with mine, flashing the same malicious glint Zaviyaar held, evoking a flinch from within those evil eyes.

He was no doubt like his brother. Intimidating.

He saw my hint of distress and widened his smirk, gesturing to me to ease up while releasing a persuasive tone.

"Oh, you don't have to be so nervous. I am not surprised or disgusted at all, this is not the first time he had kept a woman for himself after all."

My heart began to pound, abrupt apprehension invoked in me when he mentioned that I was not first. Zaviyaar told me about that already.

Still it made me feel horrible to hear that he kept me in the category of 'the other woman'

'Because you are,' My mind mocked. Gritting my teeth, I looked away.

"So what did he say to convince you? Did he fake a story? Cried? Or acted charmingly?"

When Asad asked that, my features dropped into blankness, "What?" My vague voice came.

His one sentence disturbed me. What the fuck did he mean by that?

"I searched online, it says her fiancé killed his family. I would bet ten thousand dirham that it was Zaviyaar's fake story." Ruben chuckled, looking up about me online while turning to me to know the reality.

"... It was a fake story." I gulped hard.

"So what did he do to make you fall for him? What lie did he tell this time? He is the master manipulator after all. What did he say to make you forget your lover, hmm? If you don't mind." Asad asked playfully but the snicker and that deriding tone pricked me.

Swallowing hard, I looked down in dejection, "He said that Asim..."

I told them everything in a trembling tone about what he did to Asim and how Asim gave me up to him. Only to find them bursting into a peal of laughter at my woeful condition.

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