73- In A Daze

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Calling the doctor, I was anxiously waiting outside the room, in the main hall. My jaw clenched, distressed affixed on my face.

I couldn't believe, my Noor-e-Jaan, wasn't that weak to faint over a heartbreak.

She was a strong woman, who bore a lot then why did it take her consciousness to accept that she... loved me too?

'Was it 'that' hard for her?'

Staring into nothingness, I was with Mother and Saira who were frowning. Asad also came, perturbed when a doctor was called at midnight.

"What happened to Bhabi? Is everything alright?" He asked worriedly.

"I don't know... she just fainted." I replied, curling my hand in a fist.

"She barely eats anything, it has to be weakness, don't be vexed, son." Mother sighed, motioning to me to relax but my disturbance had no soothness.

'Please be okay, I won't argue next time. I will listen to your complaints silently, please don't be hurt because of me anymore.' I thought worriedly.

I can't take it.

While I was praying, the doctor came out as I asked hastily. "What happened, Doc?"

She chuckled a little, "Oh, it was just a weakness."

My worry deepened. Her features also became softer, turning to all of us as she continued.

"Considering her condition, she was not taking proper diet, plus, is she under any stress? Both your wife and your child are extremely weak. First trimester is delicate. Depression can be dangerous for the baby-"

What the-

"Wait, wait, my wife and what?" I blinked, stopping her to repeat what I heard for confirmation.

"Your baby. She told me she is in her second month now, I am advising complete bed rest. She needs extensive care and a good diet." She spoke nonchalantly, shrugging her shoulders as I stood stunned.

"We will take care of that, Doctor." Mother replied in my stead because I had fallen into a daze.

My eyes widened, mind going blank to perceive what I just heard.

I could feel my soul being immobilized to fathom that my wife, my Aalifa... was pregnant?

"I have prescribed some medicines too, make sure to give them on time. This is all."

"I will instruct the driver to drop you off. Come." Asad grinned, leading the doctor outside as I remained stiff.

"Hmph." Saira scoffed and left, obviously she would hate the news most.

"Zaviyaar, you didn't know? I thought Aalifa told you already." Mother asked calmly.

Laughing at my bewilderment, placing her hand over my head to bless me as my throat dried and the beat grew wider.

"Bless you, your wife and my grandchild."

I thought my heart would leap out of my chest at the mere imagination of becoming a Father.

As I was thinking, Asad rushed and hugged me tightly with a shout of liveliness.

"Zaviyaar!! My brother!!"

"Ay- Ay!"

I tried to duck but he embraced me too tightly, kissing my head, making me glare at him for losing his mind by overwhelming happiness.

"Ah, I am so happy for you! We are going to have a baby at home! I must tell Erhan now! Oh, we will also give zakat in the morning to evade any evil eye on Bhabi and-"

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