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An:-kinda spooky.

"Ahh I wanna pee!" Jimin whined. "Bro litreally where do you think there's gonna be a toilet, we are like in middle of no where." Yoongi said. "I dont care I wanna pee stop the car!" Jimin said. Yoongi sighed, parking the car at the side of the road. Taehyung and jungkook got out to give space to jimin. While namjoon sat in the front seat humming to himself. Hoseok was busy reading a book. Finally jimin came back in a minute.

"Am done. We can go" jimin said. "Now, does anyone else wanna pee? I ain't gonna stop any time soon until we find a town." Yoongi said. "Me! I wanna." Jungkook said. "Me too!" Taehyung said. "Well I wanna go too" hoseok said. "Me too" namjoon said. Yoongi sighed. As they all stepped out going in the field to do their buisness. Yoongi sighed sitting on the car seat.

A long road trip with no specific destination in their head is always worst. Because although except namjoon everyone knows how to drive, being the eldest in the group it automatically goes on him to drive not to mention the fact he is the best driver in the group who actually knows how to parallel park. Hoseok knows but he ain't as good as yoongi. Nor is taehyung, jimin or jungkook. Well namjoon doesn't knows how to drive. So no question in him. It just comes to him with driving. He doesn't have a problem as such. But it's boring to keep doing that. Infact it is most boring when they are driving aimlessly like now.

They were doing so because they got a break after their concerts and schedules. And they were happy about it. They can finally take a breather. Well yoongi on most parts thought like last year they will be going on separate vacation points, like namjoon somewhere, jimin somewhere, taehyung somewhere and jungkook and hoseok somewhere and he'd be stuck back in seoul because he don't like to travel. But it had to be namjoon who said let's spend this vacation together and then ended up on a road trip miles away from seoul.

They really were on a highway with no other car. Just theirs, they were far away from main highway too. They had been traveling like this for about 3 days now. They did stopped here and there when they got to a big town or city. They tried their best to keep their privacy too. So they always found places where lesser people will be there. But as of now, already 6 people had seen them squealing ahh they are bts! Well it was nice to be known but guess it didn't helped with their peace of mind. Anyway. Now they decided to go off of main highway in order to find small town with less people hence lesser chance of knowing about them.

"How far is the nearest town?" Jungkook asked. "Well, the last town I saw on map was named as night. And it was something 350km away from Busan our last destination." Yoongi said. "We have been driving for the past 8 hours now! Am getting hungry" taehyung said. "Well taehyung we ain't near a restaurant. I did thought that this road will have atleast minimum thing like a petrol pump or something but it got none. Which is strange considering that this village should be quite popular" yoongi said. "Why?" Jimin asked. Yoongi sighed he was irritated of the questions.

"Well, because one of the famous singers of the 80s was born and brought up in this village now a town. And there were many fans of the singer. So yeah it must be quite famouse destination, because as far as I know they have converted his old house into a museum showcasing his achievements and stuff." Yoongi said. "Woah you really are taking us to a useful place" namjoon said sarcastically. "Yes, as if Busan was my idea." Yoongi said rolling his eyes. "Hey! Busan is my birthplace and I missed mom and dad." Jimin said. "Yes hyung is right Busan is also my birthplace and I missed mom and dad too!" Jungkook said. "You guys really missed your birthplace and your mom and dad or did y'all just wanted to go to that new cool amusement park?" Hoseok said rolling his eyes.

"As if we were the only ones who had fun. You too had a lot of fun now didn't you?" Jungkook said. "Only because there were slower and softer rides. Am not at all a fan of twister or the cup and soccer. They made me throw up!" Hoseok said. The others giggled. Well except yoongi, he was just so tired of the road. It just seemed like it was going ahead and ahead and ahead with no end. As if he was just stuck in a loop. And that was irritating him alot. He was a man who's attention was short kept. And the only way to keep it was to change the same situation with different things in it.

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