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Jin is the successor of his father who was the head of water element. That is right. Jin can control water....just like Elsa can control ice. However Jin's parents never raised him like Elsa. They were kind loving and gentle with him. They always supported him.

Any person who can control the water element was considered to have a calm nature like that of the ocean. Soft ,calm peacefull. However they also seemed to be quite depressing in nature and less talkative. But seokjin was on the opposite side of it. He was talkative, bold and confident however....he was shy as well and well kinda a scardy cat.....

"How did you ended up here little one huh?" Jin asked in a soft  tone moving his finger a bit near a water droplet who seemed to be listening to jin. Jin giggled a little as he moved his finger and the droplet followed it. Jin sat there playing with the water droplet, his eyes glistening blue like that of the ocean in daylight. "Jin hyung!" Jungkook screamed. Jin's hand trembled a bit as he lost his control, the water droplet lost the life it possessed and jin's eyes turned into dark brown colour as that of almonds and he sighed a bit. "What happened kookie?" Jin asked. "Hyung we got our photoshoot schedule! We are going on the beach!" Jungkook said in a glee. Jin smiled and said "well that is extremely good!" Jungkook smiled and said, "hyung can you go to market with jimin hyung and get some milk?" Jungkook asked.

"Sure why not." Jin said as he got up from his chair. It was already end of July and rain had taken a hault for a month and it was hot. "Ugh it is soo hot....I pray it rains soon. I can't do well with heat" jimin said as they were walking back to their dorm as the late sunset purples took over the sky. It was warm and humid and even jin sweated a lot. But jin knew that the younger jimin was someone who can't deal with heat atall. He falls sick if it get a lot hot. And jin could just sense the younger getting the heat fever sooner or later. Which jin didn't wanted the younger to get, they had a comback soon, and falling sick now would be too bad. Pluse jin just didn't want his member to fall sick.

Jin sighed he needs to bring rain. Water listens to him. Jin noticed that it was already dark and things were harder to see....as jimin walked ahead of him dull fully with his shoulders slumped and the grocery bag slinging with him. Jin sighed looked at his hands. His hands started to glow blue, as his eyes turned blue too. He moved his hand in a manner you'd expect a witch to move, and said, "oh water, great and kind...you who provides life to all...I pray to thee to make your presence visible to me in the form of dark grey clouds falling like the crystals of life falling from  sky....." the blue light of his hand suddenly went up as his prayer ended and the sky glowed a bit blue....as the clouds started to form...dark and black....of rain. Jin looked up smiling. The water heard him. "Hyung?" Jin heard jimin call. "Yes chimchim?" Jin  asked smiling. "Why did you stopped?" He asked as beads of sweats fell from his head. "Oh nothing....I feel as if it will rain soon." Jin said smiling. As soon as he said it big drops of rain fell as it washed away the heat from youngers body. The younger seemed to relax a bit. "Wow Jin hyung you are a psychic." Jin just chuckled as they walked back to their dorm.

No one knows Jin is elemental. Only his parents and his brother who too were elemental knew. Jin and his father could control the water whereas his mother and brother heat. There were not many people in this world who can control elements. About 100.  They say the ones with pure heart and mind are the ones who have the control over the elements. They are considered to be the children's of the particular element. It is not necessary to hide your powers from normal people. But jin chose not to....he felt insecure....weired....an alien...what if his members don't love him anymore once they come to know it.

"JIN! where is your attention? " the photographer coaxed as Jin flinched as he was pulled out of his thoughts. They were on the beach. For the photoshoot. Jin felt the ocean waves rising a bit to defend Jin. Jin whispered "it's ok they are friends" the water seemed to calmed down. The water was protective over Jin. The particular element a person belongs to is always protected by the element. And in jin's case the water always protected him. "Am sorry! I kinda zoned out." Jin called the photographer back. The man shook his head chuckling a bit as he said, "kids these days always lost in their own world".Jin posed perfectly for the shots one by one.

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