Us pt 2

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An:-slight smut
(1 month later after the incident)

It was litreally a month after the "incidence" and rest of the bangtan except namjin were keeping a knee eye on both of them, ofcourse not when they were together but when they were in their bedrooms.....they used to spy on them.

In the month period, they found out that namjoon called Jin as jinnie....or jagi depending upon his mood. Jin on other hand called him joonie or joon. Namjoon no longer called him hyung in the closed walls of their room and jin no longer called him namjoon--ah behind the closed walls.

Only if they knew that walls have ears too was a true saying. They also tried to hear  something like what they heard first time. But to their bad luck they only heard I love you's and nothing else.  Bangtan realized that maybe they love each other....alot. And that maybe they were in a relationship for a real long time.

Maybe even before they shifted in one room. And maybe one of them wanted to be in the same room as the other which is the sole reason why they shifted in together.

"I think they really love each a lot" Hobi said one day after their daily listening session. "I guess so too." Yoongi said. "Come on ain't it obvious, why will namjoon hyung litreally make space for other person on his bed because he litreally likes to sleep alone....he made space just for me once" taehyung said.

"True...........but like we need to expose them as well....." jungkook said. "Rather than expose it would be to confront them" jimin said. "True...." hoseok said.

(Time skip to next day in afternoon)
After lunch they were in there room. Jin entered the room humming as he was pulled in someone's arms. "Joonie! What are you doing?" Jin gasped as he was pulled in.

"You know......I still need to finish what we started a month ago..." he said smirking. "What?" Jin asked tilting his head. Namjoon smirked as he took jin's lips in his, as jin melted running his hand through namjoon's hair. Namjoon let his tounge wet jin's lips a little as he opened his mouth and let his tounge in. Jin whimpered a little as he felt namjoon getting more dominating.

"Was this what you want?" Jin asked breaking the kiss. "Yes." Namjoon said smirking. "But they are home....right next to our room." Jin said. "Come on! They would never just need to be quite.....and we have been together  doing this soo long." Namjoon said squeezing jin's butt. Jin sighed as he shutted off the door.

"They are gonna do it!" Yoongi whisper yelled as the others followed towards the wall. "Please be top namjoon please please" jimin prayed. "Again! Is this really the question you have?" Yoongi said rolling his eyes.

Meanwhile on the other side, jin was laid down on the bed, as namjoon unbuttoned his shirt. Soon enough taking the olders neck between his teeth biting down softly, jin moaned a little as he closed his eyes feeling the heat rise up.

"Joonie?" Jin said as namjoon started to get lower than the collarbone. "Hmm?" Namjoon hummed as he was focusing on the work under his hands. "I...don't me crazy but....ahh" Jin moaned as namjoon licked down his nipple, squeezing the other.

"But?" Namjoon said as he moved forward. "I sometimes get this feeling if someone is watching us." Jin said gasping a little as he felt the heat rise up. Namjoon undid the olders pants as he slid his hand down the boxers. "Dont one can see us....." namjoon said reassuring. "I dont ahh...know...its

just....that....sometimes as if someone is listening to us....Joonie" Jin said as reached his hand down towards namjoon. "Dont no one is listening to us..." namjoon said looking up towards jin who was red from the rising tension. Jin just nodded as namjoon continued his work.

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