Black day

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Edited:- spelling mistakes and errors are edited sentences are reframed.

//TW// Mentions of SELFHARM and blood and su***d//TW//

It was a Sunday. And just like the name of the day suggested, it was a sunny day with fragrance of late summer decorating the light atmosphere. At the bangtan dorms where it was quite and peaceful, with constant murmurs from the members followed with outbursts of laughter on the breakfast table. Everything seemed fine just fine.

"Hyung" jimin asked the oldest. "Hmm" hummed the elder while trying to butter his toast. "It is soo hot today why are you still wearing those long sleeved t-shirt!",  "I dont feel that hot either chim" said jin while his butter knife stumbled in his hands. "What are you talking it is like 30 degree Celsius hot! Today is the hottest day! Look even you are sweating" hoseok said. "I....I just had this shirt for a while and wanted to wear it today so I wore it" Jin said smiling a little. Everyone agreed since they knew how stubborn he was.

Later that day everyone got busy in their own way taehyung and namjoon decided to spend the day with each other in a library, while the maknae decided to play some games over the internet, and yoongi and jimin decided to do some creative activity just because jimin pulled yoongi in doing it. While jin had to meet someone so he was out.  And hoseok decided to watch some Netflix.

"Yoongi hyung we need some glue to stick it together!" Jimin said while holding the two wooden pieces of what seemed like a photoframe together. "Wait, I think I had some glue left in my room" he said while walking towards his and his roommates room. He started to ramble around trying to find the bottle of glue. When he failed at finding it in his section of room, he decided to search his roommates section in hopes that maybe jin borrowed it and kept it in his side of room. 

He finally found the glue bottle in the bedside drawer. But as he was pulling it out he noticed a blood covered metal. Out of curiosity he pulled the metallic object out and noticed that it was completly covered in blood stains. Some were old and black while some were fresh and red. "What could a blade be doing in his drawer? And it seems so bloody." Yoongi whispered to himself. He knew that he invaded his roommate's privacy but he wanted to reach to the depth of the matter.

So he searched further in the drawer only to find 3 more such rusty bloody blades. He collected them and decided to search the room further more, he decided to search seokjin's wardrobe . He soon found a shirt with blood stains. It was his hyung's shirt, With blood on it. Yoongi just prayed it wasn't seokjin's blood. His breath hitched and he felt scared. He suddenly wanted to show his discovery to his safe people, to bangtan. He scurried into the room where jimin was. "Hyung what took you so long I have been waiting for you " pouted jimin. "Ji..jimin" he said as tears slipped past his eyes.

"Hyung, what happened? " jimin asked as worry filled him. "I.....I jimin" yoongi said as his legs gave away and he fell on the floor. "Hyung!" Jimin rushed towards the terrified boy. "HOSEOK HYUNG!" jimin screamed at the top of his lungs. Hoseok came running as he and jungkook made it to the living room in record breaking time. "What happened?" Hoseok asked as he helped jimin pull yoongi up on the couch.

"I dont know! He he just came and fell!" Jimin said as he tried to calm the older who's breathing rate seemed to have escalated. "Hoseok! I found something" yoongi said in between his heavy breathing. "What is it hyung? Are you feeling ok?" Hoseok asked. "I found these." He pulled the bloody pieces of metal out. "Are these yours hyung?" Jungkook asked with tears fell down his face. "No... they they were in jin hyungs bedside table" he said. "Do you think it might be his?" Hoseok asked. Yoongi nodded his head. "Should I call namjoon hyung?" Jimin asked. Hoseok nodded.

(Seokjin pov)
It was a long day. But I know everything will be ok. I sigh as I enter the elevator to the familiar dorm. I put the files in my bag in order to hide them away. They should not know.

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