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This was recommended by one of my readers thankyou ^^

It was a Saturday and the bangtan boys were tired as they sat with their aching bodies on the dining table of their dorms. Yoongi brought in the food and kept on the dining table. "Ahhh aint there no meat today as well?" Namjoon said. "No, there is no meat today as well" yoongi said in an annoying tone. "Whhhhyyyy loorrddd whhhyyy?" Namjoon said as he basically smashed his head on table.

"And I used to think you were atheist." Hoseok said. "Ugh hyung if there ain't meat even an atheist will turn in a believer." Jimin said. Seokjin felt bad for his fellow bandmates. He wants them to be happy. And get them everything they want. Problem? It is month end and they are litreally a rising stars and they have like extremely little money left which won't buy them meant. "Why don't you ask your sister Jiwoo for money. I bet she will give you a loan." Taehyung said pointing to hoseok. "I would have asked her if it was not for her fighting with me. I mean who cares what dress she should wear on her wedding day as a brother am just happy that she is getting married to a good man! I am not responsible for her wedding gown! Hoseok said whining. "But I think as an older brother it is your basic responsibility to just check out her dress. She will feel good too." Namjoon who too has a sister said. "I might have. But we are already busy with our album release and I can not skip another recording session!  We have to release this album by next month!" Hoseok said. Jimin taehyung and jungkook nodded in sympathy. They continued to eat the meatless soup with some leftover rice from breakfast.

Seokjin can't take it anymore. He stood up from his place and marched to his room, "Jin hyung?" Jungkook asked in confusion as everyone kept starring at him. He returned with a brown envelope, and retreated 30,0000 won. That is lot of money and can buy them meat for about a week! And after a week they will get paid! "How did you got so much money?" Hoseok asked with wide eyes. "Uhhh...huh well I was saving for myself......I wanted to buy a guitar.........but food is definitely more essential than a guitar." Seokjin said smiling. "No we can't take it hyung! It is for you guitar! We can live without meat for a week-" namjoon was cut  off by Jin, "but i can not live without meat! Comeon! this money is not for me alone, this is for you guys! If I would have bought a guitar you too would have played it right? Soo similarly we will share the meat too!" Jin smiled. Everyone smiled and rejoice as they can have meat for dinner tomorrow. Suddenly the door bell rang and jimin went to get the door.

When he opened the door he was greeted by a man in well pressed suit and  a royal persona, beside him was a beautiful lady, with light lipstick a bit older than middle-aged same almond eyes as jin and plump lips like jin. Surrounded them were two what seemed like body guards. "Yes?" Jimin asked.

"Do you know Mr.Kim Seokjin?" Wait seokjin...damn sounds important. "Yeah he is inside." Jimim wished he never told them. Because as soon as he told them he is inside they entered the place despite jimin protesting and ended up in the dinning area where the members were smiling and stopped because jin litreally yelled. "Mom dad what are you doing here?"

"Mom?" Yoongi asked looking from jin to the lady. "Dad?" Jungkook said as he looked from the man to jin. "Dad what are you doing here?" Jin asked annoyed. "Prince can I ask you where are your manners?" The man said. "Ugh.. I mean, your highness what arenyou doing here?" Jin said. "Good." The man said. "Your highness what?" Namjoon asked. "May I ask you prince who are they?" The man asked. "They are like my family dad." Jin said. "Then family comes to coronation too" the women said. "No wait coronation what?" Jungkook asked. "Oh my love, Seokjin will get coronation to become the king of Kim country. Ahh my son will be the king." The women clapped her hand. "Wait kim kingdom? That big island kingdom beside korea?!" Yoongi exclaimed. "Yes" the couple said. "YOU ARE THE KING AND QUEEN KIM WAIT I RECOGNIZED YOU!" taehyung exclaimed quite loud. "Jin hyung you are a PRINCE?" Jimin exclaimed. "Taetae chim chim, will you both be quite for a minute, I need to talk. Understand? " Jin used his 'i am the oldest here' voice. Both taehyung and jimin mouthed a sorry.

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