Fan letter(non idol au)

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An:- tw- it's really very sad....

To dear bangtan,
This is one of your fan. Jin. I came to know you guys will  have world tour next month. I am so excited. I hope the best for you. You might not know, but you have changed my life a lot. Thankyou for being there for me. I love you guys a lot.
However I had a tiny request..I can not travele far off to see you. I have been sick for a while it will mean a world to me if you can have a concert here in Busan too. I know this is quite a outrageous wish, but it wasn't have been this stupid sickness that I am going through I might have traveled. But, just wanted to say hope you guys have lots of fun together.
Your fan,

Jin smiled reading the letter he wrote. "Ah" he moaned a little as he felt sharp pain in his wrist. "Jin" Ken his older brother rushed towards him. "Haven't I told you to not do it. Then why will you write. You know right it will hurt if you will move huh?" Ken said yelling a little at his younger brother as he massaged his brothers wrist carefully. "Am sorry" Jin said in a guilty tone. "Its ok...i know you like them a lot. But it doesn't means you need to put them before your health." Ken said gently.

"But hyung...I like them.....they taught me so many things which made me accept who I I not worthy of meeting them even once?" Jin said whining a little. Ken sighed, he always hoped his brother will be able to meet his ideals. And Ken is trying his best. As much as he hates to admit it or even say it.

Jin doesn't have long time. Even though Ken hasn't told him he kind of knows that Jin doesn't have much time. "Any day now" is what the doctor said to him. He always fears for that day and hopes it never comes. Jackson Wang, Jin's bestfriend was also worried a lot. Ken told Jackson about what the doctor had said and Jackson had made it his mission to fulfill his friends wish.

"Hyung can you please post it for me?" Jin said handing him a small envelope with the address  one of the biggest company of korea's, BIGHIT. Ken took the envelope, he has been doing it for the past one month since jin was unable to walk on his own. To go down the street, cross the road, and in that blue  postbox drop down the envelope and listen it go down and hit the empty metallic floor. After all who posts letters these days?

"Hey Ken!" Ken turned to see Jackson coming over him. "How are you jackie" Ken asked. "Am good. I got seokjin the peaches he wanted!" Jackson said handing him a bag with peaches in it. "Thankyou! Come on jin must be waiting" Ken said smiling a little.

They both went in Ken and Jin's small apartment. "Jackie!" Jin squealed as he opened his arms for the man to hug him. "I missed you soo much!" Jackson said hugging the tad bit taller male. "But you just met me this morning " jin said chuckling. "I know I did but still, I missed you." Jackson said .

Ken watched them smiling a bit. But what if this is the last time he will see this sight. No Ken stop thinking. "You wait here, I will boil up the peaches so you can eat them" Ken said. Well boiling up peaches was not the best way to eat them for Jin, but the doctor suggested to eat warm foods to prevent infections. Jin sat there while Jackson told him what he did the whole day at the school. Jin too used to go, but he stopped. "Jackie...." Jin said intruppting Jackson. "Yes Jin?" "You said you will do anything for me right?" Jin said.

"Yes sweetheart. Anything." He replied. "Can you by any possible means take me to a concert....if not.....can you let me meet bts?" Jin said with hope in his eyes. Jackson can feel it. Jin meant it. "I can try jinnie." Jackson said. Ken heard their conversation as he brought a tray of food. What if he is not able to fulfill it?

Ken made jin eat the peaches. Jin then slept. " we do it?" Ken asked. "I dont know Ken.....I dont know....but I think he meant it." Jackson said sighing. Ken knows the importance of this boyband in the life of his younger brother. They helped him love himself despite of living with the condition he lived. Jin was so moved because of the band Jin wrote a song himself with respect to self love.

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