The world of living and dead

978 35 1

This is a 1st person pov  really long oneshot

(Seokjin pov)
I felt like I was flying. The soft air striking against my cheeks made me feel so good. There was soft smell of roses and goodness. I felt good. Until I opened my eyes. I was not flying , but I was falling. Falling fast, with no end. I wanted to scream but my voice was not able to leave my throat. Panick set in me until I touched what seemed like the worlds softest grass.

I groan in pain as I try to stand up. "It hurts doesn't it?" A soft voice made me turn my head. There stood a girl with soft brown hair and pale skin. She had dark brown eyes. "How silly are you Lilly? Ofcourse it will hurt he fell from the sky!" Said anthore girl with jet black hair and olive skin. She was a tad bit taller than the girl I assume named Lilly. "Hi there I am olive!" Said the girl extending a hand.

I take her hand in mine. I try to speak but the only thing that came out of my mouth was nothing. I can  not speak I hold my throat trying hard to speak after all I am a singer! Wait who am I again? "Oh I see you can not speak! Dont worry, most of the people like you are same. But by the end they find their voice back." She pulled anthore girl from her back and said, "this is yuna" the girl yuna just waved at me and I did the same. Then anthore girl came, "and I am rosy" said the blond haired tallest of them all.

"Comeon we need to goo!" Said olive and pulled me with her. Not knowing what to do I let her pull me as the other girls yuna,Lilly and rosy followed us. "It is time for a swim! We need to have swim each day!" Olive said. We reached to the shore of a wide lake.

The lake's water was pink in colour. Come on be fast said olive, as she somehow changed her dress into a bathing suit. Followed by yuna and rosy. All the 3 girls went in the lake. Except Lilly. The other 3 didn't even called out her name. I felt bad for her. So I tapped her shoulder. She looked in my eyes and as if she understood what I intended to say she said, "I am afraid of the water. I dont like to go for a swim." She said shyly. And she went in and sat in a patch of white daisies nearby.

Not sure what to do I sat with her. She smiled a genuine smile and said "do you miss them?" I did not understood whom am I supposed to miss? I shot a confused glance at the girl. "Ohh ohh you have lost your memories about them I see." She said sadly. "I miss mine though. They are soo good if you would have met them but I pray that you must meet yours. I was trapped because of olive and yuna and rosy" she said in a whisper. "LILLY!" screamed olive. Lilly looked terrified. "I. .am so sorry olive I said nothing" she whimpered. "Haven't I said to you to shut yourself up? You must not listen to her you understand?  She is crazy, and keeps making things up! Never ever take her talk seriously do you understand that?" She said with a Low and serious voice.

I merely nodded my head. "Good! Then we must eat dinner and then sleep!" She said with her cheery voice. Again she pulled me with her. To a place in the meadow where we came from and then somehow there was litreally a table full of food. You can call it a feast. "You liked it? I made them" said rosy.  I nod my head as I felt the goodness of each and every delicacies which were laid on the table.

After dinner olive said that I must go back to the place i fell since I must sleep there. While turning around I saw the discolored face of Lilly. I felt bad for her. I slowly walk back to the place. It was still soft. I lay down there looking at the evening stars. "Ca..can I stay with you?" I turn  my head towards the soft voice, it was Lilly.

I smile and sit. She smiles too and sits beside me. She is young younger than me. Almost like a younger sister. She looks in my eyes and say, "I am sure you will remeber them in time unlike me." Suddenly we heard a whisper. "Shhh listen they are trying to communicate" Lilly said. I tried hard to listen,

"Seokjin, it has been such a long time since we went to the sea isn't it? Dont you miss going out with your yoongi? Why won't you wake up! Its been such a long long time! We miss you hyung....nothing has ever been same without you please wake up. Kookie has gone crazy. He won't stop practicing. He stays up late and eats late. Hoseok has been trying to cheer up everyone but he himself lost his ssun shine powers. He aint hobi no more. He is just sad. Namjoon he's been trying to look busy by producing for the comback  but he is worried as well. Taehyung has crept in his shell of silence. He doesn't act goofy anymore. Jimin too doesn't speak anymore. We need you back jin hyung"  and with that the whisper ended. Seokjin that sounded so familiar, it is my name. "-jin" I said. "Oh so your name is jin? Jin please try to remeber more?" Lilly said. But my mind says to sleep so I slept.

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